
29 Social Media Posts That Ruined People's Lives

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A 19-year-old day care employee was fired for posting a Snapchat where she was flipping off the children she cared for along with the caption “swear I love kids.” The owner of Kids Play says he ultimately fired her for being on the phone while she was supposed to be watching the children.


This Apple Genius Bar worker did not live up to his job title. After this Facebook status, a coworker snitched on him and he was terminated for misconduct.


Already reeling from the backlash he received for sending nudes to a then 19-year-old student in 2011, Anthony Weiner was scorned again in 2013 when he posted some very NSFW photos online under the name “Carlos Danger.” The photos surfaced right as he was running for mayor of New York. He lost in a landslide, receiving only 4.9 percent of votes.



Andrew Kurtz was one of the men who donned the Pittsburgh Pirates mascot costume — a giant pierogi — and raced against other giant pierogis during the seventh inning stretch. He was fired for a Facebook post criticizing the contract extensions of two players. “Coonelly extended the contracts of Russell and Huntington through the 2011 season. That means a 19-straight losing streak. Way to go Pirates,” the post read.


In September 2010, Australian Olympic swimmer Stephanie Rice tweeted a homophobic slur in regards to a rugby match between the Australian Wallabies and the South African Springboks. The misstep cost her a huge contract with Jaguar. She later said that a friend took her phone and tweeted the message.


Justine Sacco, global head of communications for the digital media conglomerate IAC, was about to visit family in South Africa when she tweeted: “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m White!” Despite defending herself by saying it was “satire”, she got the axe from IAC immediately afterwards.


In June 2015, an employee at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago was fired for posting photo on Facebook with the caption: “Wassup y’all? At work serving these rude ass white people.”


Carly McKinney, a high school math teacher in Colorado, was fired for tweeting a nude photo from the school parking lot with the caption: “Naked. Wet. Stoned.” She then added a second one saying, “Watching a drug bust go down in the parking lot. It’s funny ‘cuz I have weed in my car in the staff parking lot.”


Being the open-minded individual that he is, Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall reminded all of us not to jump to conclusions about Osama bin Laden after his assassination. He lost his endorsements and was traded to the Cardinals, where he lasted only one more year in the league.



Buckingham Palace guards are known for remaining stoic and silent. But Cameron Reilly had some strong — albeit eloquent — words about Kate Middleton after he encountered her as she made her way to her wedding back in 2011. “hur and william drove past me on friday n all a got was a shitty wave while she looked the opposite way from me, stupid stuck up cow am a not good enough for them! posh bitch am totally with u on this 1 who reely gives a f*** about hur.” The royal couple made sure he surrendered his post for good.


Gilbert Godfried posted a series of awful tweets in the aftermath of the devastating Japanese tsunami in 2011. He was fired from voicing the Aflac Duck. Turns out 75% of Aflac’s business is in Japan.


Stephanie Bon, a former HR assistant at Lloyds Banking Group, was not happy with her salary. She decided to air out her grievances on Facebook with a post reading, “LBG’s new CEO gets £4,000 an hour. I get £7. That’s fair.” I wonder how she felt about the company’s severance package.


Kim Lehmkuhl was a city clerk in San Francisco who was fired for tweeting while she was supposed to be taking the minutes during council meetings. In her resignation letter, she wrote that the job was a “mind-numbingly inane experience I would not wish on anyone.”



In 2007, Kevin Colvin, an intern at Anglo Irish Bank, emailed his boss to get out of work for a “family emergency.” After this photo was posted on Facebook, it made its way to his boss, who then sent it to the entire office with the message “Thanks for letting us know… hope everything is ok in New York. (cool wand).”


Ashley Payne was forced to resign from her teaching job after posting photos of herself holding two alcoholic beverages. Seriously.


UC Berkley grad, Connor Riley had just landed a job at Cisco when she tweeted: “Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.” A Cisco employee soon responded with: “Who is the hiring manager? I’m sure they would love to know that you will hate the work. We here at Cisco are versed in the Web.” Needless to say, she never saw her first day on the job.



In July 2012, Cameron Jankowski was fired from Taco Bell after tweeting a photo of himself peeing on nachos. To make matters even worse for Jankowski, hacker group Anonymous posted a YouTube video revealing his personal information. He defended himself by saying the nachos were not served to anyone.


Apparently, cricket teams have cheerleaders. And Gabriella Pasqualotto was one, until she posted a blog ranting about how poorly the players treated her squad. She was fired shortly after.


On the Monday after the Boston Marathon bombing, recipe website Epicurious had the brilliant idea of capitalizing on the attack with this streak of tragedy-themed self promotion. Classy.



Former New England Patriots cheerleader, Caitlin Davis, was fired for posting this photo of her scribbling on a passed out friend. The words “I’m A Jew” are what did her in.


Damian Goddard, a Toronto based sportscaster, was fired for taking a stand against gay marriage.




Social media star Claudia Oshry AKA Girl With No Job had just landed a morning talk show with her sister called The Morning Breath. But things came crashing down when The Daily Beast wrote a hit piece on her mother for making Islamophobic remarks. Claudia tried to distance herself from her mother, but then people found that she too had tweeted anti-Muslim remarks and jokes in the past. Both apologized.


In the days following the shooting at the University of Alabama in 2010, professor Gloria Gadsden made a tasteless joke on Facebook: “Does anyone know where I can find a very discrete hitman? Yes, it’s been that kind of day.” She was fired.


Scott Bartosiewicz, a social media strategist for Chrysler, did not have a handle on the social media part of his job (which, we assume, is probably all of it). He tweeted: “I find it ironic that Detroit is known as the #motorcity and yet no one here knows how to (expletive) drive.” Which would have been fine — if he didn’t accidentally tweet it from Chrysler’s corporate account.



Nicole Crowther, a star on FOX’s musical sitcom Glee, posted major spoilers about who the prom king and queen would be before it aired (I can only imagine that was a big plot point for fans of the show). The show’s producers responded to her tweet: “Hope you’re qualified to do something besides work in entertainment.”


In November 2013, Alicia Ann Lynch posted her Halloween costume on Instagram: a Boston Marathon bombing victim. Hilarious! (If you’re a goddamned sociopath). Lynch was fired and her and her family received a ton of hate and threats online.


Just one day after a 12-year-old girl drowned at the beach during a school trip, Harlem teacher Christine Rubino made one of the worst possible remarks on Facebook in March 2011. She said: After today, I am thinking the beach sounds like a wonderful idea for my 5th graders! I HATE THEIR GUTS!” She added “I would not throw a life jacket in for a million!!” She was fired, but was later reinstated because the world is fucked sometimes.



Former High School for the Arts instructor, Chadwin Reynolds, got super creepy and perverted with some underage students he taught. He would add them on Facebook then comment things like “this is sexy” on their photos. He also left weird attempts at humor on his wall with posts like “I’m not a gynecologist, but I’ll take a look inside.” He was fired and is now (hopefully) on some sort of list.


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