
25 Scary Ghost Photos That Seem a Little Too Real

Here we've got a freaky collection of bizarre and creepy pics we found while sifting through r/Ghosts. After pouring over hundreds of photos and chucking out some of the lamer ones, the faker ones and the just plain boring ones, these ghost photos seem the weirdest, most strange or most difficult to explain.

The question of whether there is life after death. whether spirits are real or if we can somehow "see" them has haunted humanity since we first descended from the trees many millennia ago. And while we and our crack teams of underpaid interns huddling in the basement are probably unqualified to say for sure one way or another, we'll just say they are. Because why not?

Many superstitions exist around the idea that film can capture more than the eye can see. Lost souls, wandering our homes, watching us spill guacamole on our shirts and wait until the episode was done to do something about it. It's both terrifying and oddly comforting to think we're not alone.





u/OopySnoopyMan: After hearing taps and noises from my kitchen I take a photo and see this.


u/shantelmarie3989: My late father showing up in my second daughter’s ultrasound



u/Europe_Is_My_Nation: A picture one of my friends took a few years ago during a get together. A person that looks like a soldier holding a musket can be seen in the background.


u/amatsumima: Ex gf sent this photo to her family chat to announce she reached the hotel safe and chilling. Brother replies, who is that in the mirror?


u/Achaeminus: Probably the best picture I took in my life.



u/LOvEisEvOLxanax: My uncle has a trail cam at my old grandparents house which are both dead and the house is abandoned. The camera takes 3 pics every time a motion is detected.This thing only appears in 1 out of 3 of the photos. No fuckin idea.Not saying is a ghost cause I don’t really believe them. Edited 2 b clearer


u/HighSandwichman: Picture my friend sent me a few years back after moving into her new apartment in Charleston, SC (she was taking a pic of her dog)


u/LadyOfOz83: This was a message from one of my good friends. My mother passed away almost 4 years ago. She knew her, but there is no way she would know my Moms nickname for my youngest son, who coincidentally is named after my Dad, also deceased.



u/TheTapeLibrary: Someone was outside our window last night. This is about 16ft off the ground


u/codyalanphelps: Ghost sighting at the Pirate House in Savannah, GA. More information in comments.


u/native_meraki: Strange woman caught on my game camera in my yard. I live out in the woods at the top of a hill. I Should mention the ashes of the lady who lived here before me were spread on the property.



u/Po_leo: Can you identify what this face-like image could be? Photo taken by a family friend.


u/peonie666: Rented a cabin a few years back for a birthday party. Just looked at this pic and thought it was strange. Anyone else see it? It was night time and pitched black so I had the high beams on.


u/PhotographFirm: Captured what I think is an entity looking down at me from the window as I was leaving



u/justcyn1: My moms god daughter has been telling us about how she keeps feeling a presence in her apartment and she can see a dark figure out of the corner of her eye often specially when being alone at home, well she took a pic in her room and this is what she caught.


u/0mgjess: My uni teacher showed me this photo that was displayed in one of our campus buildings. There’s an old mine near our uni where the photo was originally taken. Can you see him?


u/Old_List9475: This was from a relative's trail camera. I'm not going to assume anything, thoughts?



u/samexi: Made an photo album of our beloved dogs for christmas and we noticed the strange man behind the tree. We have no idea who "he" is. Our cabin is located on an small island so no outsiders could have gone unnoticed. Bets are on the deceased former owner who passed away in 2004. Photo is from 2012.


u/anaestheticpathetic: Turn up your brightness and zoom into the door way... this is a photo from 15 years ago that my sister recently dug up. I always had night terrors every night in that house and weird shit always happened. this photo explains why. it's too shadow-like to be human and it's nobody we recognize


u/RedDesertCowboy: This is a photo taken at a school demolition in 2012 by a woman who was snapping pictures of the demolition process. Upon review, she noticed a figure standing just left of center in the passageway. The second picture is a brightened version. So - ghost capture or debris?



u/thoreson22: Friend took this one while blackout drunk over 7 years ago. I still get chills to this day. (Zoom in on the door)


u/stretchasmile: This photo was taken by my home inspector. This was my to-be master bedroom


u/Reddit_Watcher04: A photo from our security camera. We don't know what it is and when we checked outside nothing was there.



u/GEVANNY_: After helping my father removing old stuffs from an old apartment that used to be occupied by an old person who died, i took this picture of the building, on the front.


u/breezybreezyyy: 2 years ago. My daughter, her grandma, and an unknown woman.


u/milkboy33: Neighbor's motion camera caught this. She couldn't think of a natural explanation. She cried for four hours and waited outside her house for husband to return.



My older sister sent me a pic of her as a kid. WTF is behind the fridge


u/NickSquatch99 Found this on face book and thought y'all would enjoy


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