
30 Ways to Troll Future Scientists By Leaving Things on Mars

Science is always advancing and ever-evolving. Some day in the nearish future, we'll have people on the planet Mars doing research, experiments, and possibly setting up some type of habitat.
,br/> A user on Reddit posed the question, 'If you could place any object on mars to mess with NASA scientists, What would it be?" and the answers and responses are just great. The official NASA Reddit account even chimed in as you can see in the last image.
1. $200,000 dollars, a parachute, and the body of DB Cooper.
2. A monolith with a QR code to scan and Rickroll.
3. The missing pieces of the Rosetta stone.
4. An exact copy of the Mars rover (or whatever they use to discover it).
5. A big map of Earth with several points of interest marked on it.
6. I'm a geologist, and I can confirm that just placing the wrong type of rock would fuck up science for like 30 years. I often pick up rocks that I know only occur in specific areas and leave them somewhere that would be naturally impossible in the hope that it will break a geochemists mind when they find it.
7. A NASA spacecraft, one that NASA has no record of. Like something they've never built, but that has NASA logos all over it and clearly has a NASA origin, just not our NASA.
8. A white plastic lawn chair.
9. A brochure about extending your car warranty.
10. A picture of a dolphin waving, and the caption "So long and thanks for all the fish. "
11. A page from a Martian newspaper, pondering the possibility that there might be life on Earth.
12. Flat earth society logo.
13. A fully crewed (by preserved corpses/skeletons of course) Viking Longship.
14. Wacky inflatable tube man on the highest peak.
15. A handbag, containing a disposable camera, a towel and a copy of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.
16. A banana for scale.
17. That "S" design we all drew in middle school.
18. I mean… of course a Mars bar wrapper.
19. A set of car keys... imagine that mindf*ck.
20. Soviet era space suit with a skeleton.
21. A whole ass Dollar General.
22. An Egyptian obelisk, inscribe with mathematics relating to something like a spatial fold engine or warp drive.
23. Statue of Liberty half buried in the ground.
24. The fossilised remains of non-human biped with a sign that says "No more nuclear testing".
25. "Welcome to Venus!" sign.
26. A picnic basket, blanket, food laid out with a note - Honey, I forgot the potato salad, I'll be back in 20 minutes - and for good measure, a 1953 Buick. To complete the scene - footprints that walk away and just disappear about 50 yards away.
27. Spirit Halloween.
28. A Cthulhu statue. Just the biggest one I could possibly find.
29. Simple, velociraptor astronaut remains.
30. Liquid water in a mason jar.
31. Even NASA got in on the fun with their official account on Reddit commented on the thread 'taking notes'.

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