26 Helpful Tips To Survive The Apocalypse

When the apocalypse comes, you’re going to want to be prepared.
1. Use your fingers to see how much daylight remains.
2. Catch water with a plastic sheet.
3. Duct tape your blisters.
4. Or use duct tape to open jars.
5. Salt water to treat bites and itches.
6. A crayon will burn for half an hour so you don’t have to freak out when you run out of candles.
7. Dryer lint and vaseline make an incredible candle.
8. Use your watch as a compass.
9. Make a can into a stove.
10. Leaves are like nature’s duct tape. Use them for everything! Put them on your wounds, use them as insulation, make rope out of them, go nuts.
11. Baking soda toothpaste. Mix baking soda with a little water and a pinch of sea salt and you have a great toothpaste so your teeth survive as long as you do.
12. Cheetos and Doritos are great fire starters.
13. Thought you missed out on being the stove hero because you didn’t have a juice can, did you? Don’t worry about it, a soda can will do just fine.
14. Zombies can’t swim, and you’ve got a raft. Human 1, apocalypse 0.
15. Dust mask bra cup.
16. Steel wool and a battery.Whoosh! Instant firestarter.

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