
26 Fun Filled Facts Derived from Factual Fluid

You learn something new every day.


As the centuries have piled on top of each other, human knowledge has expanded at a rapid pace. We've lived. We've learned. We know now how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. And we also know that you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. Here's just a few more of the things that humanity has learned over the years.


that tigers are nearly invisible to their prey, who see orange as green. Tigers are orange because mammals can’t produce green fur, and orange was the next best thing.


The Netherlands gives Canada 20,000 tulips every year as a thank you for protecting the Dutch royal family in ww2



the longest surgery ever recorded was performed in 2001 by a team of 20 doctors; it took 103 hours (more than four days) to complete.


some people suffer a "weekend migraine" or "let-down headache" on weekends (or other break from a 9-to-5 weekday job) due to a decrease in stress.


that Sea Urchins are called Sea Urchins because Hedgehogs used to be called Urchins until about the 15th century. Sea Urchins are Ocean Hedgehogs.


the most powerful commercial radio station ever was WLW (700KHz AM), which during certain times in the 1930s broadcasted 500kW radiated power. At night, it covered half the globe. Neighbors within the vicinity of the transmitter heard the audio in their pots, pans, and mattresses.


it took 4 people only 4 days to replicate a typical 2.5 tonne Block of the Great Pyramid, using the same tools found in an abandoned ancient quarry (copper chisels, wooden mallets, etc.)


of the Ovitz family, not only the largest family of dwarfs ever recorded but also the largest family (12 people ranging from a 15-month-old baby to a 58-year-old woman) to enter Auschwitz and survive intact.



the self-absorption paradox asserts that the more self-aware we are, the less likely we are to make social mistakes, but the more likely we are to torture ourselves over past mistakes. High self-awareness leads to more psychological distress.


Ben and Jerry's has a physical graveyard that they retire old flavors to, and you can actually go visit it.


Harrison Ford was frozen in The Empire Strikes Back because, unlike Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, Ford had only signed on for two films. After the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Lucas didn't think Ford would return for the 3rd Star Wars film, but left him frozen just in case.


that before the advent of refrigerators, Russians would put frogs in milk to keep it from going bad



Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. He was frustrated with the fact that he had to go and ask his coworkers what data was on their computer so he can add it to his computer which led to him creating an application that became the world wide Web.


Due to casino distributions, every Seminole Indian child born is a multi millionaire when they turn 18 years old.


about two Irish boys aged 13 and 10 who in 1985 ended up in New York after sneaking onto a train and a ferry in Dublin, a train to Heathrow, and a flight to JFK, all without being caught.



in 1984 javelin thrower Uwe Hohn threw a distance of 104.8m and became the first and only athlete in history to break the 100m barrier. Shortly afterwards some changes in the design of javelins were implemented and the records had to be restarted, turning his mark into an "eternal world record".


that the Sun is 99.86% of all mass in our solar system. Every other planet, asteroid, and comet only adds up to 7/50th of a single percent.


that despite not existing for the past 30 years, the Soviet Union still holds the most Olympic gold medals for wrestling.



that the Concorde airplane flew so fast, if you left London (or Paris) in the evening flying west towards New York, to the passengers in the plane, the sun would actually appear to begin rising again shortly after reaching cruising speed. The plane flew faster than the Earth's rotation.


there's a mineral element (Promethium) so rare that it's estimated there are 500-600 grams of it in the Earth's crust


Almost 25% of non-driving teens in a survey say they’re not licensed because they’re scared to drive a car. 40.2% of teens think driving is scary and 58% of parents are scared of them driving



in 1914 the first residential air conditioners cost between $10k and $50k (or $120k to $600k inflation-adjusted). By the 1960s, they were as low as $416 (or $4k inflation-adjusted). Since then, heat-related deaths in the U.S. have declined by 80 percent.


that anime characters shout out their attacks because manga is black and white and it would be confusing for readers to tell what is going on.

Categories: Wow Cool Stuff Facts

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