
25 Useful But Unknown Websites You Should Know About

You're ignoring the best parts of the internet.

The internet has kind of consolidated itself, with social media dominating the lion's share of our time online -- these days. But it wasn't always that way. Back in the early days of the net and before internet explorer was a dead meme, the internet really was like a wilderness worthy of, well, exploration.

And here's the thing: it still is. There are plenty of websites out there, off the beaten path, that can really enrich your life and provide utility you never thought of.

Check out the hidden gems of the net down below!


useful websites -

“Tineye and Foto Forensics. Do you want to know if an image is shopped, cropped or otherwise altered? Using these two tools you've got a good chance of finding out. Tineye is reverse image search on steroids and foto forensics provides free image analysis tools.” - jekylphd https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/q2viki/what_useful_unknown_website_do_you_wish_more/


useful websites - logout amazon prime - prime video Netflix

“twoseven.xyz -Allows you to watch and sync netflix, prime video, downloaded videos, streaming from browser, youtube with your friends while opting to be on voice/video call with them for FREE and NO ADS.” - Weirdzillaed


useful websites - deep fake people

“https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/, It's an AI that creates faces of made up people. Pretty interesting.” - QualityProof



“Enjoy cartoons? Please enjoy every cartoon ever made all in one place! https://www.wcofun.com/playlist.” - voivoivoi183


“Coolors.co, Randomly generates 5 matching colors for you to use for paint jobs or designing” - Particular_Ham


“Project Gutenberg. Taking all the books that are copyright free and making digital copies available. In college and the school wants you to buy the complete works of Shakespeare for $40? Forget that noise! Free! https://www.gutenberg.org/” - GlobalPhreak


“Deepl.com, Best translator I’ve found. It’s quite intuitive and even translates idioms and slang. They’ve got around 20 languages as of their most recent update.” - sand_pipers


“remove.bg is a great way to remove any background.” - browsing-idiot


“https://www.blitzortung.org/ This one lets you see where lightning strikes in real time! Can be reassuring to see the lightning get further and further away, it's also pretty neat in general!” - Nihil921



“ID Ransomware https://id-ransomware.malwarehunterteam.com/, If you ever get Ransomware in your computer you can take a encrypted file and out it into this website and it will tell you if any security researchers have cracked it so you can get your files back. And if it hasn't been cracked you can sign up for email notification so when it is cracked you get an email. I havnt used it but someday it might save me or you.” - ICE0124


“Terms of Service (https://tosdr.org/), Didn’t Read summarizes terms of service and rates them for privacy.” - Jeramy_Jones


“I ADORE mynoise.net. It's an archive of customizable sound generators with everything from music, nature sounds, sound cancelling, ambiances, and meditative drones etc. I focus best with some kind of white noise, and this website has a ton to choose from and it is free. My favorite feature is the customizable, animated sliders so you can listen to storms that ebb and grow automatically. It is great for TTRPGs too. The sound engineer who runs it has put together all kinds of specific settings like churches, cities, forests, faires, dungeons, etc. Seriously, people should check it out” - OriginalHeartbreaker


“https://www.rome2rio.com, Gives you full directions from any two places from door to door including trains, busses and ferries. With options to fly to nearby places and take transit to get to your final destination.” - Chaosrayne9000



“If you're interested in languages or trying to learn a new language I recommend Forvo.com, you can look up a word and hear native speakers pronounce it. It's based on volunteers uploading their recordings of the various words. It's pretty useful for when you're working on your pronounciation, https://forvo.com/word/gnocchi/” - Cunnilingus_Academy


“https://storyset.com/ or https://undraw.co/, Open-sourced illustrations by designers who contribute on their spare time ❤️” - beanbagbotatoes


“https://openlibrary.org/, You can borrow books across a ton of different library systems without having to register for them.” - rednoise



“everynoise.com : This website contains every obscure sub genre of music imaginable. You can find some great music you’ve never heard of there.” - AudiCulprit


“Also music-map.com : Search an artist/band and it generates a map of similar artists/bands with proximity indicating more fan base crossover. I’ve tested it with the most obscure stuff I know and it always finds suggestions.” - Tor-Pedo


“10 minute mail provides a temporary email address for you to cut and paste into those pesky "insert email" to sign up or read the rest of the story or whatever. https://10minutemail.com/”- FunDivertissement



“http://radio.garden/visit - you can hear radios live from all around the world. (I recommend accessing on computer or installing the app on mobile)” - VRicci92


“https://piracy.moe/ Shows nearly every anime/manga website, torrent and streamable URL on the internet and also shows if they are active have ads and if they are safe to use. With this you will never need to ask yourself, Where am I going to watch/download this anime or read this manga?” - Hiyami


“Depending on who you are determines if its useful or not, but https://rsoe-edis.org/ is a very informative site of the on-goings of the world. The event map is interesting to explore.” - Cyrussphere



“https://12ft.io/ It bypasses all paywalls and removes all ads from any webpage I have found. Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder. No install, just copy and paste your link.” - lllilllillil


“openculture.com Watch free movies! Learn languages! Take educational courses! All for free!” - HolyMolyGawkomole


“Oldgamesdownload.com Download and Play the games from the early 90's and 2000s on your Windows machine! I personally Play NFSMW 2005 and Counter Strike. Brings Back lot of memories.” - sweetFLUFFYpanda


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