25 Tips, Tricks, and Infographics That Might Come in Handy
It seems that us human beings have something of a troublesome relationship with information. Without concentrated collections of knowledge, we wouldn't be able to enjoy the magnificence of human existence as it is. The road of scientific progress is paved with the collected works of those who came before us.
But we can all agree that the passage of facts into our think-meat isn't always smooth; sometimes we need a little color and possibly an assortment of cutesy graphics to assuage the insertion of fun facts into our decaying, atrophied brain folds.
For just such occasions, the doctor who lives our parking lot often prescribes a 25-image dose of cool and handy charts -- to be taken twice a day for at least a week. If your brain still hurts during the process of contemplation, the Parking Lot Doc recommends upping the dose to thrice a day to be taken with a bathroom break.