
25 Times People Said or Did Incredibly Stupid Things

Sometimes you say something stupid, but then there's that person that just can't help being stupid every time they open their mouths. We went to r/AskReddit and found out some of the dumbest stuff people have said.


While working at a bookstore I had a customer ask where we kept the new non fiction while she was standing in front of our best sellers. So I'm like well, here! But also the entire right side of the store is basically non fiction.. what are you looking for? She says no she wants the new non fiction. Are we talking cookbooks, science, art, history...? No, NON fiction. The new book in the Lord of the Rings series. Yeah. So after I tell her Tolkien's been dead for a minute, I add that she's not looking for non fiction. She argued and blows me off. Comes back a bit later holding GOT like she's about to rub this in my ignorant face, THIS, where's the newest one?! You're holding it. No, he wants the next one! Yeah, so does the rest of the fan base.. She was not amused, and somehow she never even felt stupid. -u/frankenb00ts


One of my former coworkers is completely, passionately, incontrovertibly convinced that that the Sahara is what remains of the city of Atlantis. He spent about an hour following me around my department, explaining this video he saw on YouTube. It had to be legit, you see, because they talked about cubits. -u.HexaneLive


A guy I used to work with started seeing a girl who was already pregnant. He told us with all seriousness, “the doctor told me that because we’ve been having unprotected sex, my DNA has been passing on to the fetus, and so I will be the biological father of the baby.” -u/LePetitChatEstMort



My history teacher : “Before the event of Noah’s Ark, animals were likely very very massive. The animals who were not saved in the flood became fossilized rock and now are the giant rock formations we see today.” He was referring to the rocks like Elephant Rock, Dolphin Island, exc. He genuinely believed that these rocks that happened to resemble animals were actually animals. He showed us a 100+ page slideshow of rocks that looked like animals to prove his point. -u/AnxiousEquestrian


“The Second World War was fought between the Italian and Spanish” -u/Much_Committee_9355


While working in Yellowstone, I heard a tourist ask, "So, when are they going to reintroduce gorillas back into the park?" -u/HawaiianShirtsOR


We were discussing the ozone layer in a high school science class and I had heard that ozone was actually toxic if breathed in, so I asked the teacher if this was true. A girl in my class who considered herself to be an environmentalist took offense to this and said “ozone is what’s keeping us alive idiot!” The teacher then confirmed that ozone is indeed toxic if breathed in. -u/ToothbrushGames


guy from college microwaved his cigarettes because it killed the cancer. -u/Sc0ttiShDUdE


I had a woman call me to complain that her generator had been running for hours. I said that her power must be out. She said her power couldn’t be out because her lights were on. Had to repeat myself 2 more times before she got it. -u/forselfdestruction



In the military. Had someone tell me, "Just because you're my supervisor and higher ranking than me doesn't mean I have to listen to you." ... Yes it does. That's exactly what that means. -u/csgfc1


Not only was the moon landing a hoax, but the moon itself does not exist and is merely a holographic projection. -u/RottenLittleKid


My ex-wife once argued with me for over an hour that 10:30 am was in the "afternoon".... AFTER... NOON. -u/GIjokinaround


Girl was so surprised to learn that soldiers still exist AND people still die in wars. -u/kettle-o-fish



My weirdo super-religious (does not lie) brother thinks there are lasers in the ionosphere created by the government that they use to start forest fires. -u/StinkinFinger


One time a coworker told me that electric windmills weren't powered by the wind, they were powered by diesel generators. -u/thundervonbadass


This man in his late 40’s was trying to convince me and my ex and our friend that big foot was real because of the way that trees fall down sometimes in a forrest can only be explained by big foot having done it somehow. -u/CandelaBelen



My brother and his then girlfriend spent about 30 minutes trying to convince me mermaids are real. They were serious. They saw real-life "footage" of them. I don't really need to say it, but I will: it was CGI. -u/BDCB5


A coworker who complained about how long it takes to dry his hair, because if you go outside with wet hair you'll catch a cold. -u/SuperflyandApplePie


My mother has repeatedly tried to convince me that the dinosaurs were actually evil fallen angels that were then killed by God with a flood (not a meteor) and that believing that the dinosaurs existed is proof that God and Jesus exists. -u/WibbleWonk



A girl I went to high school with was upset because buying/using cotton was cruel to rabbits. -u/The_RoyalPee


Dogs can't look up. -u/phrresehelp


A close relative told me they can't go out anymore because the 5G is everywhere now and everyone is always on their cell phones and they "can't handle the pain they experience in those areas." They have begun cancelling all their services. -u/clever_whitty_name



I was bartending and a grown women walks up to me and asks “Do you have liquor?”. There’s a three tier shelf behind me full of liquor bottles. -u/optionalcranberry


I got told by a lassie in a hot tub in Orlando that my English was excellent....I'm Scottish and I had already told her this. -u/themuffinmann82


I was in a Warby Parker (a glasses retailer) one day and there was a married couple being waited on ahead of me. I'd guess they were both maybe 50. The sales guy was showing them a pair of transition lenses and the wife just could not understand them. The sales guy tried to explain them. Her husband tried to explain them. She just kept replying "but I don't understand how they give you night vision?" They brought her outside to show her how they lenses darken in sunlight so you don't need a separate pair of sunglasses and she was like "Oh! okay I get it now! But how does the night vision work?" After 20 minutes or so they gave up trying to explain to her that the glasses do not give you night vision. -u/diiejso


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