25 Things That Will Kill You
FIREWORKS- Just in the US about 10,000 people are admitted into ERs due to firework injuries annually. Your chance of death 1-in-615,488.
TSUNAMI- Your level of risk will obviously vary with location, but statistically speaking your chances are 1-in-500,000
ASTEROID- Our chances were something like 1-in-500,000 in the past. We still think it's a bit too high though
FIRE- Roughly 50-80 of fire related deaths are due to smoke inhalation rather than burns but together, in the United States, these claims thousands of lives ever year. Your chances 1-in-1,116
GUNS- Granted, living in the US, Guatemala, Brazil, or South Africa makes being shot far more likely but as a whole your chances are 1-in-325
STAIRS- This is the leading cause of injury related death among seniors in the world Your chances 1-in20
SUICIDE- Every 40 seconds someone somewhere on this planet kills themselves and every year roughly 1 million lives are lost due to suicide. Your chances 1-in-121
CARS- Motor vehicle accidents claim about 50,000 American lives every year. Your chances 1-in-100
ACCIDENTS- With this umbrella category being responsible for around 30 million emergency room visits annually, the number of lives lost every year as a result hover around 100,000. Your chances 1-in-36
DROWNING-According to the World Health Organization WHO, drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional death worldwide claiming hundreds of thousands of lives annually. Your chances: 1-in-8,942
FLOODS-As one of the most common and dangerous natural disasters, floods claim more lives annually than any other of the catastrophes on our list. Your chances: 1-in-30,000
BEE STING-At 1-in-100,000 you are almost twice as likely to die of a bee sting as you are a dog bite
LIGHTNING STRIKE-Each year around the world about a quarter of a million people are struck by lightning. Your chances of dying from it: 1-in-83,930
AIRPLANE-Flying is not just a little bit safer than driving, as youll see in a moment its hundreds of times safer. Your chances: 1-in-20,000
HEART DISEASE- commonly thought by many experts that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world Your chances 1-in-5
ELECTROCUTED-Including deaths due to lightning and capital punishment, electrocution claims about 1,000 lives in the United States annually with most of these being related to on-the-job injuries. You chances: 1-in-5,000
TORNADO-Living in the US or India increase your chances but in general they hover somewhere around 1-in-60,000
EARTHQUAKE-As one of the most common and dangerous natural disasters, floods claim more lives annually than any other of the catastrophes on our list. Your chances: 1-in-30,000
NATURAL FORCES-This includes lightning, tornados , floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, and any other natural disaster as a catch-all statistic to give you an idea of how likely you are to perish as a result of mother natures wrath. Your chances: 1-in-3,357
BICYCLE ACCIDENTS-Usually when someone dies riding a bicycle it involves a motorist of some sort. Your chances: 1-in-4,717
CANCER- live long enough and you will get some form of cancer in your body. Your chances 1-in-7
ELECTRIC CHAIR-We know, just dont commit treason or murder and your chances will fall significantly and unless you live in China, North Korea, Yemen, Iran, or the United States you cant be legally executed anyway. Still, your chances would be 1-in-58,618
HAYFLICK LIMIT-Assuming you didnt get any disease or die any violent death, it appears that your cells could only divide a finite number of times before falling apart anyway. This is known as the Hayflick limit. Although modern advances in genetics may prolong this process, some research has indicated that the current maximum life span for a human is 125 years.