25 Things Every Human Should Try At Least Once
A Japanese style toilet seat that sprays like a bidet. Wife bought me one and I was mad. Now I hate using regular toilets. -u/erichmich
Go on a road trip alone, even just for a weekend. It's incredibly freeing. -u/Anticrepuscular_Ray
At some point in your life you gotta swallow your goddamn fears and just talk to that one cute person. The shame from rejection will hurt like a motherf**ker and it’ll make you want to crawl into a hole to die, but it’ll improve your sociability, make you more resilient and you’ll have gained more insight into yourself. -u/astralnclinant
Working a job in the service industry. Mainly so you develop some level of empathy and you're less of an a**hole to service industry workers. -u/ur_boy_skinny_penis
Dungeons and dragons. It’s a great game to play with your friends, explore your creativity, make a story, and have some beers. -u/Stiff_Mattress
An extended period of time without any vices (drugs, alcohol, nicotine, gambling, etc.). Clear your mind. -u/hwnn1
Shooting guns. I think less people will be afraid of it if they learned proper gun safety and try Shooting. -u/Nightfury0818
Dancing. Stop saying you can't dance, stop saying you're too awkward or have two left feet or you're embarrassed or what the hell ever else. You and like 98% of the people in the room all feel the same way. -u/NoxRiddle
Cooking. Even if you don’t need to, it’s still interesting, relaxing, and makes you appreciate the sources of the ingredients. -u/poorsenseofdirection