25 Species the Internet Would Love to Eradicate

Silverfish. Buggers are everywhere and no matter how hard you try, they keep appearing. I think they look gross too.

Fiddleback/brown recluse spider. Better for everyone, and any benefit it offered would be filled by another spider
Japanese Giant Hornets, if you know what they look like and what the wounds they cause look like I don't need to explain. It is only a matter of time before they actually make it to other countries.
Bot flies, my religion teacher showed us a video of them extracting larva from someone’s skin…. I never ever want to see that again and they’re evil vile things
Normally I wouldn't hesitate to say mosquitoes. But I was just diagnosed with Lyme disease 2 hours ago so I'm going to be petty and go with ticks
Bed bugs. Most insects will run away fearful after biting you, but not bed bugs...they walk away smug and self-assured, like they thought it was funny.
Cockroaches and every variation of them. I don't care about the environmental impact. I want them all gone.
Scabies mites. Honestly of all the medical crap I have done, scabies was the most unbearable. The itching alone sent me halfway to a breakdown, and the mental issues I still have from it (compounded by PTSD from just having a very traumatic baby experience!) it was a nightmare. Not the most deadly by any means, not even all that dangerous physically. But mentally I nearly lost my life to those little things.