
25 Shows That People Say are Overrated Yet Treated Like Masterpieces

We are currently living in the "Golden Age of Television." At any given point, you can start binge-watching the best TV of your life. Or maybe the worst? Some "amazing" television is completely overrated. Check out this list of TV shows and series that people think are way over-hyped and not worthy of the accolades.


Euphoria - It has impressive cinematography and is well-acted. But the plot is all over the place and the characters are shallower than a shower. The only characters that have any depth and don't come off too stereotypical are Rue and Jules.It’s a poor man's UK Skins and a rich man's US Skins.


GIRLS, such a high-end trash show. And LeeNuH Dunham is the most annoying human ever possible.


Oh, come on…there’s no debate here. I mean, does anyone beat ‘Money Heist’?



Definitely a lot that can mentioned here, but for me, the Walking Dead is something that always baffled me how it went beyond ~2 seasons.They had the same loop of storyline repeated in every season - they run, they find shelter, they go out for food, someone gets bitten, they get overrun, they have to find somewhere new. Rinse and repeat for like 10 seasons.


Mrs. Brown's Boys - Not sure if it's even popular anywhere else but the UK. But my god, what an awful show..

Incredibly low-level of humour, had a target audience of adults who still have to wear velcro trainers because they still can't work the laces.


American Horror Story - Forced myself to watch it through hotel and couldn’t do it anymore. The first 2 seasons were great, after that it felt like glee with a “horror” setting.


Suits - Most of the episodes consist of these high and mighty lawyers consistently running into ‘dead ends’, not knowing what to do, but they will be having a side conversation and the person they’re talking to makes one remark about something AND THAT’S IT, they have found their answers. Onto the next episode to do the same exact thing! It’s cheap writing and office drama, he said she said stuff.


If no one else will say it, I will. Squid Game is WAY overhyped. I’ve seen people say it’s the best Netflix show or even the best Korean show. If people give other Asian media a chance they’ll find way better than automatically assuming that the first Asian show they see on Netflix is the best thing ever.


Gilmore Girls - Rory is a horrible person



Game of Thrones hands down, it left good threads hanging but never really stitched them into anything.


Lucifer - I absolutely adored this show in the early seasons but the quality dropped when it was “saved” by Netflix and S5 and S6 were just god awful.In the beginning the relationship between Lucifer & The Detective was great because she was able to resist his charm and you had the mystery of why she made him vulnerable. Then she lost all personality whatsoever and the cases became completely secondary to the other worldly aspects.At its heart, this was a procedural crime show. Of course, it was still silly in a lot of ways but it had a good heart and was funny and charming. This all drained away and to say the final couple of seasons were a chore would be an understatement.


Rick and Morty - I like it cause it's funny and decently cleverly written but I'm sick of it being praised as some kind of new philosophy. Recent seasons even make fun of people who treat the show like that, it's not some ultra-smart new thing, it's just another adult comedy that's quite funny sometimes and nothing else.


Controversial opinion probably: Dexter. Outstanding 1st season. Then meh all the way to the end.



Supernatural - It’s so repetitive. They should have ended it when they originally planned to, but money


Lost suffers from what many of J.J. Abrams' projects have in common: a great premise with lots of promises that aren't worked out from the beginning. So when it gets to the point where they have to start paying on some of those promises, the writers don't know what to do and have to come up with something on the spot. That's never as good as what you imagined it would be.Or they just don't pay them off at all.


Stranger Things - After that side quest where Eleven meets the Worst Ensemble Cast Ever, I noped out. Should have been one season.



Dawson’s Creek is pretty creepy watching now.


13 Reasons Why - "Let's make a show aimed toward teenagers, we're gonna show them how you can weaponize suicide to really stick it to everyone that's wronged them."


I'll be the one to say it: Firefly. Firefly had the potential to be a good show, but it was killed too early to say. It had a couple of really great episodes, and the rest are just OK. Fans of it see the show that they hope it would have become, not the show that was actually produced.



This is Us - It’s trauma p**n, intense emotional sensations to get your weekly cry in which is healthy sure but not the masterpiece everyone’s Mom makes it out to be.


Greys Anatomy - that show just needs to end.


The Big Bang Theory - I cannot stress this enough.



This is coming as someone who loves anime and who’s favorite show is Naruto. But it’s Naruto. That show is great, and 45% filler episodes, do I need to say more?


How I Met Your Mother. - Every episode glorifies Ted’s toxic behavior and makes it look romantic. I get so triggered watching that show


How has no one else said Sons Of Anarchy? It's ridiculous. We are supposed to believe that their "club" is the most important thing to them all and they would do anything for their "brothers". But they just kill each other.It almost never shows why someone would want to be in that life.We're supposed to root for the main character because everyone loves him but all I could think was get those children away from this.


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