
25 Scientific Facts That Left Us Astonished

We live in a pretty crazy world! All of these facts sound kind of insane at face value, but the science behind them actually checks out!


The world around us is full of all kinds of amazing creatures, strange landscapes, bizarre people, and much much more. Even with our hundreds of thousands of years on this planet, we haven't even come close to learning all the world has to offer.

We live in a pretty crazy world! All of these facts sound kind of insane at face value, but the science behind them actually checks out!


We still to this day don’t know how eels come to be. Their reproduction is still based in theory. - u/Melodic-Hunter2471


A 12 inch vinyl can hold 440 MB of data. - u/ level 1 personalityson



When you lose weight it leaves on your breath. So when people lose 100 lbs/50 kg, they have exhaled that much carbon. - u/ level 1 Long_Error_5153


Echidnas and platypus are the only two animals that lay eggs and also produce milk. This means they are also the only animals that can make there own custard. - u/Forsaken-Teaching-45 ·


Solids and liquids don't burn. Only their vapours and gases. That's why you can't just throw a huge log on the fire and have it burn, you need to haul its temperature up until the surface starts pyrolysis and turning into a gas, which then burns. - u/ level 1 postitsam


Exponential power. Fold a “big sheet” of paper - that is 0.1 mm thick - 50 times and the height of stack is over 20 times the distance earth to moon. Thank you. - u/laidmajority


If some sort of super-advanced alien species on a planet 80 million light years away from Earth built a high-tech telescope that let them see objects on the Earth's surface, they would be seeing dinosaurs right now.. - u/zygomelonm


Tumors can grow teeth and eyes. - u/wolverine_553



The astronauts on the ISS aren't floating around because of lack of gravity, far from it. They are in constant free fall, falling over the horizon of Earth, being pulled by gravity towards the Earth. - u/SwingDancerStrahd


If the distance between earth and the sun were the thickness of a dime, the next closest star would be ten miles away. - u/carton_heart


There are some Ice Age animals that are so perfectly preserved in permafrost that scientists have been able to find them still with all their soft tissue, hair, and organs. They even found a couple mammoths that still had liquid blood in them and I remember one scientist even tasting the mammoth meat. - u/stitchmidda2


All matter literally gives off light, but we can only see a sliver of that spectrum (although we do have tools to help us see other spectrums).

Our bodies give off infrared, and are basically glowing in that portion of the spectrum similar to how iron glows to our normal vision when it’s heated. Something that sees a different spectrum than us might not see hot iron as glowing at the same temperatures we see iron glow at. - u/MadgoonOfficial



Without the development of genuinely sci-fi travel technology like wormholes or hyperspace (which may not even be possible) 99.99+% of the universe will be forever locked off from us. Because of cosmic expansion, the various galactic clusters are moving away from our local cluster faster than we could ever catch up to them. - u/APeacefulWarrior


I recently read about the Split-Brain experiments. There is a procedure for severe epilepsy that involves cutting the connecting nerves of the two brain hemispheres, resulting in the two hemispheres being unable to communicate with each other. The experiment shows that both halves can answer questions independently of each other, have seperate opinions/preferences, form memories independantly. Basically suggesting that there are two minds in the brain. That just blows my mind(s). - u/Mlinch


The size of animals still blows my mind. You can read about how a manta ray is 23 feet long and 3 tons but it doesn’t really hit you until you realize that’s heavier than most cars. - u/nuttynutdude



Caterpillars basically dissolve into liquid in the cocoon. The only thing left are the so called ‘imaginal discs’, groups of cells that contain all the information and the mechanism to turn that soup into the various body parts of a butterfly (the same applies for other insects). - u/boostman


Space welding/cold welding: If 2 pieces of the same type of metal touch in space, they will bond and be permanently stuck together. - u/Trenchapo


There are 8 times as many atoms in a teaspoonful of water as there are teaspoonfuls of water in the Atlantic ocean. - u/cafeum



You can fit all the planets (Pluto included) between the Earth & Moon. - u/AnxiousIndicator


Slime molds don’t have brains or nervous systems but some how retain information and use it to make decisions. Even more crazy is that they can fuse with another individual and share the information. - u/Emmarae21


The human body has at least 150 billion neurons. - u/FancyCrab77



Voyager 1 has been traveling >30,000 mph for 43 years and it's only 20 light hours away. - u/ruined-on-the-day


If you put 1 of every animal in a bag and then pick one out you have a 1/5 chance in picking a beetle. - u/ItsStillNagy


Approximately 99.85% of all the mass in the solar system is concentrated in the Sun. - u/Public_Breath6890



When you dream, one portion of your brain creates the storey, while another part witnesses the events and is really shocked by the plot twists. - u/ level 1 Longjumping_Owl9929


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