
25 Rare Things That People Think Are Very Common

We generally have an idea about what's rare and what's not. But what if we were completely wrong? There are some things that we may mistakenly think we see or experience on a regular basis, but are totally wrong.

Plenty of things are super rare but we think are super common. You won't believe which things made the list!


Waterfalls with caves behind them, if video games are any indication. -u/GodOfAtheism


Someone who has threatened to sue you follows through and files a lawsuit against you -u/Future_Lactobacillus


An entry-level candidate who already has 3-10 years of experience in all relevant fields. -u/KratosLegacy



Lawyer here! Pleas of not guilty by reason of insanity. Fewer than a third of one percent of all cases involve such a plea, and even fewer are successful. TV makes it sound as though everyone is trying it, though. -u/InVulgarVeritas


Being ‘tone deaf’. I’m a music teacher and in my whole life, I’ve come across less than 10 individuals who truly cannot match pitch or tell the difference between what they’re trying to sing and what is in fact coming out of their mouths.

These people are usually completely unaware and think they’re singing just fine and yet I constantly hear ‘I’m so tone-deaf, I can’t sing at all’ from people with completely normal ability. I blame all the ‘idol’ and ‘talent’ shows for making average people think if they’re not Beyoncé they should never sing and are awful. Most of us can hold a simple tune and enjoy doing so. -u/Flat-Lemon-2327


Making it big on Youtube/Twitch -u/Legenberry817


Intentionally tainted Halloween candy. Remember growing up some kids couldn't trick or treat because their parents feared psychos who poisoned the candy or slipped razor blades into the tootsie rolls or whatever? Yeah, as far as I can determine it's a myth and never happens. If it did, think about how easy it would be to trace and capture said person. -u/Marxbrosburner


Photosensitive epilepsy. Only 3% of all epileptics are triggered by flashing lights, but it’s what most people think of when you mention seizures. - u/SPRINT_MON


Having green eyes -u/aligator_66



Turquoise! I'm beginning study to be a jewelsmith and apparently most of the turquoise on the planet has already been mined and used. What we use today is a stone called howlite that can visually imitate it. If it's real it's likely hand-mined from the few small mines remaining that have some left. Real turquoise is very expensive as a result.-u/Phantasmai


Being bitten by any venomous creature in Australia.-u/boyfromtherat


Real wasabi is actually rare due to the plant being difficult to grow. Most “wasabi” you get is actually a horseradish base-u/WrinkledBz


Blimps. IIRC there are only 25 in the whole world and only 13 are functional. -u/toothpastenachos



Being aware/waking up under general anesthesia. Most stories of this are MAC anesthetics where the patient is kept light and generally doesnt remember, but it isn't truly general anesthetic. If people really wake up under general anesthesia they will have their eyes taped shut and a breathing tube in. They will also likely be paralyzed. It does happen, but it is extremely rare.-u/StrebLab


Tourette syndrome. Well, Tourette is not that uncommon, but the swearing is the most extreme form and it's very uncommon-u/chinchenping


After all those years of stop drop and roll, I've not been on fire ONCE-u/redwolf1219



Receiving CPR and surviving with good quality of life.-u/HelloKidney


Child abductions by strangers.Growing up in the 80s we were taught that if you were by yourself you were liable to be snatched up by a stranger. The reality is most abductions are by people the child knows. Stranger abductions make the news and often end tragically, but they’re relatively rare.-u/AndShesNotEvenPretty


Child abductions -u/abandoned_cat



Multimillion-dollar personal inconvenience lawsuits. You’re not suing McD for millions because your fries were cold. -u/JK_NC


It bothers me endlessly when people say things like “I’m so OCD” because they like their desk to look neat.Genuine OCD affects something like 1-2% of people and is a devastating disorder. There’s a subtype about germ obsessions (which people often think of, maybe because of that show Monk) but it can take many forms people aren’t aware of which are incredibly distressing. Things like an intense fear of harming someone, or offending god, which lead to repetitive and time-consuming rituals. People know they’re being “unreasonable” on some level but can’t stop themselves.It gets even more confusing that there’s also OCPD, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, that differs in its presentation despite sharing a similar name. -u/BoredGameDesign


Vanilla. It's the go to word for common, plain, or boring, when it's a pretty rare ingredient that's difficult to grow and only comes from a few places on earth. -u/Kaiserhawk



It seems having two loving parents that treated you right is rare when you speak to people -u/YellowStar012


Dissociative Identity Disorder. Multiple personalities. A lot of that nonsense on TikTok is fake and straight-up offensive. -u/MasterOfOne


As a kid who grew up in the 80’s - quicksand.-u/81PBNJ

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