24 Popular “Facts” That Are Completely Fake
The sad fact is that many of the "facts" we learn online are completely fake, and people don't find out until they help spread the lies. To stop the cycle, we've rounded up the most popular "facts" that are 100% fake!

Cracking your fingers won’t give you arthritis like I was always told. I just found this out yesterday and feel like I’ve been lied to my whole life.
The heart shocker thing doesn't start your heart it stops it in hopes of resetting it to default.
It’s the "did you try turning it off and on" human body reboot.
That you can see the Great Wall of China from space. Yes, it’s long but it’s literally 13-15 ft wide along the top, 25ft wide at the bottom. Way too narrow to see.
You can, however, see cities from all the light pollution!
It takes more muscles to frown than smile.
It’s all just the same muscles. Almost any facial expression interacts with all of them in some way, just a different combination of tensing and relaxing at different intensities.
That Rasputin just wouldn't die despite being poisoned, shot, beaten, etc.
He got shot square in the forehead and, unsurprisingly, that killed him on the spot. He has an autopsy, you know.
That earthworms turn into two separate worms after being cut in half
They don't, so stop cutting earthworms in half, d*ckhead
That we use only 10% of our brains; in reality, we use all of our brains because some activities have specific regions of the brain
“It takes seven years for your body to digest a piece of gum”
In reality, your body doesn’t break it down at all and will just pass the gum though with everything else.
You swallow about four spiders in your sleep per year. I know this isn’t true but now I have a fear that a spider is going to crawl into my mouth, nose or ear and lay eggs.
"Lightning never strikes twice in the same place."
(In fact, it does - and sometimes with frequency.)
Marilyn Monroe wasn't plus size. She was a size 16 at some point yes, but she was a size 16 in the 50s. Sizing in the 50s was very different to sizing today. A museum that bought one of her dresses found it too small to fit on a size 6 mannequin. She was thin, she was just curvy and used shapewear.
Albert Einstein was a fantastic student who passed his classes with flying colors. The guy analyzing his life was just confused by the Swiss grading system compared to Germany’s (one is on a scale of 1 to 6, the other is 6 to 1).
That you should never pick up or touch a baby bird because the mother bird will smell a human and abandon it. If the bird is healthy and you can safely reach the nest, put it back. If you happen to find the bird on the ground again, the mother bird likely pushed it out of the nest on purpose.
Paul Revere didn’t yell “the British are coming”, he didn’t even yell, he went to peoples houses and quietly notified them “the redcoats are coming”