25 Perfectly Legal Things That Make You Look Like a Psychopath
One of the politicians in our country bit into a hotdog side ways and in the middle, like a sandwich. It was so weird that it was in the newspapers the next day. Slow news day obv, but made him look like a nutjob.
When you just happen to be going to the same place as the car/pedestrian in front of you. It's even creepier when it's long-distance and they look behind them and see you.
When someone is holding a door open for you when a place has double doors and you just say “f*ck it” and take the other door instead.
My boss used to apply his lip balm while making firm eye contact with me at the end of the day. Used to creep me out, and I'm still unsure why he did it like that.
Eating people meat. It’s not illegal in 49 states, but you can’t kill a person or desecrate a corpse. But you can buy human parts under research, and as long as you’re not buying organs for transplant, (highly illegal) you can serve it to others and even do it in front of the cops. Not that I would recommend that, but legally, you can. It’s apparently tasty, as one guy apparently turned his cut-off foot into tacos.