25 People with the Worst Luck
And at the end of this crazy year, we should really have a new proverb to describe being in a bad situation than "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
What about, "When life gives you coronavirus, cough on your enemies." Or, "When life starts a forest fire, invest in water." Idk just something to think about...

“Got stung by a Portuguese Man O War in Hawaii on my first day out after quarantining for 2 weeks.”
“Got home from work and found some sparkling apple cider. Drank bout the whole bottle before I noticed it was expired by 5 years, it didn’t taste off or anything, it just looked darker and there were some black flakes at the bottom. I’ve been shitting pure liquid for the past hour.”
“Got a new socket set. Looks like DeWalt is losing the 10mm from the start so you dont have to!”
“My knife broke when I tried to cut the watermelon I just bought, just to find out that it went bad.”
“Waited forever to get my passport, finally ready to go on vacation (pre pandemic). And come home to this.”
“My toddler and I walked to the park …… just to find that the whole playground has been removed.”
“Walked outside to leave for work today, and some kind individual stole all my wheels… happy holidays!”
“My neighbours son was hiding from them so he could sneak a smoke, he put his bud out on a paper bark tree and set the tree and my back yard on fire. First photo is how close the fire was to my gas bottles.”
“I wondered why dinner tasted odd. Guess I’m never letting my mother cook dinner ever again.”