
25 Terrible People Who Belong In Prison

In theory, the justice system should be pretty simple. You do the crime, you do the time...right?

However, the world is filled with countless rapists, psychopaths, and murderers that walk free but SHOULD be in prison. And here are the absolute worst offenders.


Karla Homolka. She was an active participant in the drugging, rape and eventual murder of her own sister and many other girls.


Those kids who killed Junko Furuta.


Union Carbide execs for the Bhopal Gas Tragedy27 tonnes of methyl gas leak killing 30,000. And they didn't go to court



Jim Bob Duggar, right next to Josh Duggar.


Whoever made insulin pens so damn expensive in the US


Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen


Whoever invented that f*cking plastic packaging that cuts your hands and doesn’t open.


Ghislaine Maxwell is headed to jail. Next, we need:-The Lolita Express pilots- Everyone who worked on the Lolita Rape Island- Everyone of their "friends" who rode the Lolita Express- Those who supplied the Lolitas for the island.


Brock Turner, that college kid from a few years ago that was found guilty of raping that girl but the judge decided it would hurt his reputation if he went to jail and let him off on probation



Caitlyn Jenner, Prince Andrew, and any child diddling priests


Andrew Wakefield basically created the antivaxx mentality Wakefield was a doctor who had stakes in a measles vaccine. That is why he did not want kids getting the measles, mumps & rubella shot, but all three separately. Then he could make money from his own measles vaccine. So he set up a study with 12 children who had autism, and tried to find evidence for the mmr vaccine causing autism by way of a made-up bowel disorder. The "evidence" was incredibly weak. Really, it was very obvious there was no link at all, but Wakefield still tried to argue for one. And succeeded. Doing god knows how much damage to the health of many many children all over the world, just because he wanted to make money.


Casey Anthony


The fact Chris Brown isn't in jail pisses me off.



The Sackler family, who ran Purdue Pharma, and intentionally and knowingly promoted OxyContin, which is a highly addictive opioid. They willfully worsened the opioid crisis in America (and worldwide).It should be life sentences for all people in pharmacy who act in such calculated, devastating bad faith just to 'maximize profit.' They murdered.Heck, any price manipulation of medications that result in deaths OR intentional, reckless overselling of addictive medication should carry mandatory prison sentences.


Roman Polanski


James Charles. Got canceled for being a pedo twice and still gets millions of Youtube clicks



Bill Cosby


Ethan Couch. Killed 4 people while driving drunk, judge said that due to his affluent upbringing, he didn’t know right from wrong and therefore could not be held accountable for his actions.Funny enough, he did end up in jail briefly for other things. He went to prison for two years after failing to report to a probation officer and fleeing to Mexico. He was briefly in jail in 2020 for failing a drug test. Something tells me that won’t be the last time he will be in jail and his luck will run out.


The Chinese government officials who threatened to arrest the Wuhan doctor who tried warning the people about COVID and ordered him to issue a retraction. Had they not lied in order to discredit him or buried the public health alerts he tried to have issued, we'd have not had a f*cking global pandemic.



Package thieves. They know that the cops don’t have time to deal with people who are stealing measly packages, so even if they’re caught on camera the police won’t do anything


The prince of Saudi Arabia. The dude murdered Kashoggi and the world just looked at Venezuela or North Korea cause they need the Saudi petrol. It’s just embarrassing that we live in a society where if you offer petrol you can literally do anything without consequences


Scientologist Leader David Miscavige, for running a criminal organization that doesn’t pay minimum wage, keeps people enslaved, and cheats on taxes.



Henry Kissinger. As the late Anthony Bourdain said, "Once you've been to Cambodia, you'll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands."


Ken Griffin, lead whatever-the-f*ck of Citadel Securities, a hedge fund illegally manipulating the stock market and holding all investors’ money hostage, including risking crashing the stock market instead of admitting he made a bad bet and covering their illegal short positions.


Dick "f*cking" Cheney. Murdered many. Stole a heart. Shot his friend in the face.

Categories: Wtf Facepalm

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