
25 People Share the Moment They Realized They Were Dating an Idiot

We all do stupid stuff sometimes, but these people are irredeemable. Over at r/AskReddit they were asked what the stupidest thing their significant other has done, and boy are they stupid. This is next-level idiocy and I can't believe some of these people actually exist on our planet.


She walked into a computer lab on campus and simply picked up a computer and walked home with it. She was living with me at the time, so I get home to find a very familiar looking computer sitting on the kitchen table. She literally thought the computers were free for students. It took a bit of explaining to convince her that she stole the computer. I made her return the computer to the lab that night, she left it at the door step. u/watabby


We live in central Alabama. She told me that her and her best friend were going to Birmingham for the weekend. Didn't think anything of it, there's lots of shopping and things to do in Birmingham. Came over Sunday night to tell me how disappointed she was in the trip. They had driven through all of the wealthier neighborhoods in Birmingham, Alabama for two days trying to find a house that matched the gates to Ozzy Osborne's house and never found it. He lives in Birmingham, England. u/bluecheetos


She didn’t understand that you actually have to pay what you spent on credit cards. Like the credit amount she had was supposed to be her monthly limit that just resets each month. u/alphalegend91



She didn’t want to watch the original avatar movie (blue people) until her uncle told her that it was based on a true story. I asked her if she meant that it was a futuristic version of Pocahontas… but no, she thought that it was somehow based on a true story. Then asked if I was calling her uncle a liar. Follow up questions, like asking if she really thought we waged war against an alien society, went equally poorly. u/bearhos


Stacking cups... In the dishwasher u/DoctorWafle


My wife would bring stuff home that said “refrigerate after opening,” open it, and put it in the refrigerator. u/overmonk


She refused to pay taxes, have a bank account, or pay for public transit. she told me "i change my name every few years so they cant find me". like, shed go to the government and change her name. legally. so the government couldn't find her. we broke up for other reasons, but this was the first red flag. u/GreasyBud


My ex wanted to start a business making supplies for baby showers. Her business plan was to sell everything below cost to to increase sales. After I had explained numerous times that you cannot profit from a business that will inevitably lose money her reply was that I was the idiot because if she sold them cheap it would drum up more business and she would sell more that way. u/Stanleesteemer


She didn't know that yogurt and pudding were not the same thing. She thought it was like how the British call fries "chips". She had been eating pudding and granola for breakfast for months and congratulating herself for being so healthy. u/MenudoMenudo



"Where does the sun go at night?" I was dumbfounded. She was in her 20s at the time… u/VagrancyHD


He could not find our country on Europe's map. The countries were written in bold, and the capitals too. u/QueenC7


When my ex asked me where they grew spaghetti. u/YaBoyfriendKeefa


Doing a “fun fact about me” icebreaker in a group and his was I’ve never read a book. u/Unlucky-Limit7968



She told me Apple Music was “bull***t” because it only had covers of Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”, and not the original. u/JBinSA


After her third "business opportunity" turned out to be another pyramid scheme. u/Aelerious


He thought you absorb a gallon of water when you shower, so he didn’t need to drink water. u/Wild_Butterscotch_7



When she told me she was a flat-earth person. u/Flimsy_Reaction_5535


When he suggested that we should have a 'shared banking account' after only dating less than a month. u/zingular1232


She said playing basketball makes you taller. Her proof was all the tall people playing basketball. u/rarawiesdit



When she said she loved nothing in the world more than Greek mythology, even got a degree related to Greek mythology from University of Arkansas but had no idea who Prometheus and Achilles were. u/No-Subject-5232


When he missed his daily medication, he threw it out instead of just saving it for the next day. u/lostinstasis


We were talking about dinosaurs and he was shocked to hear they were real. Then he proceeded to ask me if they really breathed fire. He thought dinosaurs and dragons were the same thing. u/alixnkxng



He’s a Catholic, so I asked him where he thought heaven was. I’m also Catholic. He said there was the “sky, then heaven, and then space”. I asked him did NASA go through heaven on their way to space and he said “probably.” u/Kelthie


Pre-heats the microwave. u/seanm3109


When kids egged his car and he thought the best way to get the egg off was to use steel wool. u/SassyAshlie

Categories: Facepalm

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