
16 People Reveal The Best Way They Ever Quit A Job

Not every job is going to be the place you spend the rest of your career. Sometimes you just need to get out of a bad place as soon as possible, and run for the woodwork. That's what these people decided to do, and in some creative ways.

If you're working at some place that stinks, you might not want to quit in a normal way. Why give your awful boss the convenience of an easy exit? No, screw those jerks!


My boss told me that we were going to spend our breaks doing mandatory Zumba, and I told her I was going home.


Working at Walmart, after a couple years of being a mindless goon, I save up my 2 week vacation and put in for it. Told them I was seeing family. The last day of work before my 2 week vacation, I put in my 2 week notice. Took the manager a min to do the math. “So... you’re not coming back?” “No. No I’m not. Take care.”


Was working at a restaurant in TN. Found a better job that actually gave me hours and went in to put my two week notice. I got a lecture about how I could never come back to the company since it wasn't a full two weeks. I then suggested politely that "that's great, let's say today is my last day then." Was such a relief.



Worked at a job for over eight years. Was promised a promotion if I stayed when I was about ready to look for something else. Was called into the office down the road a bit to be informed they were bringing in an ex employee who had quit a year or two before for the job I was promised. I had heard a rumor of this and had already made my decision. The boss looked shocked when I said I quit. I punched out and left. Simple but sweet.


My dad went into the boss' office during lunch and said "I have been contacted by the mothership. I have to return to my home planet. Thank you for the job." Shook the guy's hand, left the building, and never contacted them again.


My cousin got bored and frustrated with his job, decided to leave. Searched and interviewed for a while. Landed a new gig. Friday morning he was going to put in his two weeks notice with his boss. That same Friday she told him, tears in her eyes, that his entire team was being laid off and it was their last day. He got three months' severance pay.


I once put in notice for my summer fast food job because it was interfering too much with my classwork once fall came around. The manager then stops everything and makes a huge production of announcing to everyone on shift that I was "leaving to go back to school." I was in 10th grade... he made it sound like I was about to get my PhD in curing cancer.


A co-worker of mine at Subway when I was working during college. It's the lunch shift of one of the busiest shops in the area. Guy gets halfway through making a sandwich, looks at the customer and then our manager and says, "Til next time bro," and just walks out. Never came back, not even to pick up his final paycheck. When I left to go back to school, I left 100 sticky notes in random places throughout the store that said, "Til Next Time."


My job told me since they fired the other supervisor I was just going to have to do his job from now on. My original job was insane now they expected me to double that with no compensation. Well it got old real fast and we had a seriously busy day and I decided I was done, I let $1,000,000+ of shipments sit in a trailer back in the corner and and told all my guys thanks for the hard work our day is done. I quit that day and the next day I got a call with them freaking out about all the money they lost, I just hung up on the boss and never looked back.



Have a colleague who many years ago quit at another company starting his letter with, "It is with mixed feelings I leave you, feelings of joy and contentment." He had to go back a year later, went fine though.


I stopped calling in for hours, they stopped calling me to ask if I was calling for hours.


I put in my two weeks at a call center and my supervisor (who was great the whole time I was there) said, "Yeah, I'm just gonna give you two weeks paid vacation. I know how done you are with this place - with your notice in, I give it an hour before you would call the first insulting customer you got a c********r. Have a nice life man, it's been good working with you." He was totally right.


I really like my supervisor but hated my job. He was a real cut up so that made it livable. I got a new job and handed him my written two weeks notice. Just my luck it was April 1st, he didn’t believe me. Every day I’d remind him how many days left. He started getting testy, he’d played a long game himself but this was too much. Apparently he was quite surprised when I stopped showing up!



Last job I quit, I put in my two weeks notice and then I came in every day and stayed a few hours late to help with the transition. On my last day I shook some hands, told everyone it was great working with them, handed in my kit and left.


I was just out of college and had got a "real" job, so when I had to quit the job I had been at for like a month, I wrote them an email and told them I was leaving to join Scientology in LA and to send my check to my mom at her address. I knew I would never go back there or use them as a reference so I told them some off the wall story. It was stupid but I still laugh about it.


Put in a request for a 2 week vacation, dropped by the store on day one of vacation and put in 2 my week's notice.


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