
25 Companies That Went From 'Excellent to Overrated'

Many companies have corrupt practices or treat their employees poorly. Some people have a severe case of product loyalty and can't get enough of these corporations. Over at r/AskReddit we found out what the most overrated companies are and questioned how they still exist.


Hello Fresh. Union-busters who exploited their workers during lockdown. Over-priced, too, IMO. u/thoughtquake


Uber. The company burns through so much money, has never been profitable, has no moat, has a ton of competition, banned in some countries/cities, but still has a market cap of $80 Billion. u/Kate_of_arc


Snapchat. Like everyone uses insta stories now. In Addition the "my AI" Update is smh really creepy. u/know-Im-new



Goodwill, bc it is all free shit and they price gouge everyone. u/SkidmarkoftheBeastx


Tesla. I feel they quickly turned from cutting edge technology driven vehicles to overpriced poorly built smug machines. u/JessyPengkman


Walmart is failing. I bought a one year "Membership" to have my stuff delivered...No Joke, 75% the time, they mess my order up, they give me sub par "alternative items", they deliver late (even sometimes never delivered AT ALL). Slow to refund/fix the problem, people who deliver are rude/disrespectful with my order...I could go on. u/Specialist_Brush_561


Brand name jewelry stores like Zales, Kay, and Jared. You can usually find better deals at local family owned jewelry stores or just better stuff online in general. u/unknownsourced


Instagram. What a hot pile. It used to be a fun app for sharing pictures and reaching new people across the world. Now it's a cesspool of shitty ads, OF models, influencers, and massive meme accounts posting all of the aforementioned. u/javawong


Blizzard. It's crazy how loved this company used to be and where they are now. u/-Cheeki-Breeki-



I think Google has gone past its peak. 10 years ago it seemed like driverless cars were just a few years away and they had so many neat projects in the pipeline. Nowadays its products are becoming increasingly filled with ads. u/colonelsmoothie


Subway, it's incredibly expensive for basically a thing of bread. They hardly fill their sandwiches anymore. u/Silhouettesmiled


Starbucks. I can't believe people shell out that kind of money for coffee. u/ItsMyView


McDonalds. At least here in the UK. The food used to taste better, but now it is so mediocre that I don't bother anymore. I'd rather pay a little more and go to a restaurant or pub. u/Twonkas



All the big cellular companies. I went from ATT to cricket and cut my bill to a fraction of what it was. The performance is the same or better. Big phone companies actually function more like payday loans. The bills are high but they justify it with "free" phone upgrades. u/Negatronik


I had no problem cancelling my Netflix account. Their content mostly sucks. u/homarjr


Amazon! There’s no quality control, and is starting a lot longer to receive items. Plus, the prices really aren’t competitive. u/B0oom123



I went to Disney World in Florida as a kid and my whole experience was just… meh. I went on roller coasters, got my face painted like Pluto, got a souvenir light up sword, and rode the monorail around the park. Don’t get me wrong, it was still fun, but it was just the same experience as any other theme park I’ve gone to (minus the monorail) u/BallsDeepInADragon


Autism Speaks. They're actually a hate group that vilifies autism and does not seek representation from actual people on the spectrum. They've also supported ABA therapy, which causes serious psychological damage to kids. When parents have bumper stickers related to autism, it often has Autism Speaks' logo or some puzzle pieces on it. This is a red flag that they don't look into the company too closely and are not parenting their kids on the spectrum well. Usually they don't even know and they get upset when I point it out, which is ironic since I'm autistic myself. u/ugagradlady


Apple. They had a long golden age where they were always at the cutting edge of innovation, great marketing, always punching above their weight etc. Nowadays, their big marketing campaign is that they are coming out with a piss-yellow colored phone?? Yeah, the golden age is over for sure. u/jonahvsthewhale



Nestlé, for obvious reasons. u/BlueAlmonds0


The North Face. Schizophrenic company who can’t decide if they want to be urban or mountaineering. Two audiences that want nothing to do with each other. They appear to be just chasing after dollars, reads zero integrity in my book. Summit series stuff is nice, some cool collab stuff, but they seem lost with everything in the middle. u/Chance-Rush-9983


Lulu lemon, I’ll admit it’s nice material but half my friends only bought their clothing at full price just to say they have lulu clothes. u/porkerstewing



Any health insurance company. They really do nothing to help members, but inflate the medical costs, right along with hospitals. u/EbbAccording834


BMW and luxury cars in general. Over-priced when you buy the car and same when you have to repair it. You CAN get a nice driving experience but I can get the same from vehicles that cost half as much honestly. u/DMinTrainin


Beats by Dre. Overpriced headphones that don’t even have that good audio quality. u/carissadraws


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