
25 Obvious Rip-Offs and Scams Everyone Needs to Stop Falling For

Back in the 19th century, P.T. Barnum said that a sucker was born every minute. If only he lived to see the internet!

Thanks to online scams, it's more accurate to say there's a sucker born every SECOND. To keep from falling for a scam, keep reading to learn about the ones you must watch out for!


Alkaline water. Unless you're in kidney failure or DKA you don't need to change your Ph, and EMTs and ER docs aren't ordering supplies from Phountain.Even if you could change the Ph of your own blood by drinking water, doing so would probably kill you. -u/Stoutyeoman


The people that call my house trying to sell me duck cleaning.I don't have a duck. -u/Kangar


“You won’t last 2 minutes” game. -u/Alternative_Union_36



The individual who called me yesterday claiming to be “US Customs and Border Patrol” who said I had an illegal package from Mexico in my name. -u/Sioswing


The "sugar mommies" on Instagram that keep trying to talk to me. -u/kenzarellazilla


Nutriboom. But I will say this, Debbie Stovelman is happy, healthy, and alive. -u/TraditionalAd8468


We can’t give you a raise yet because (X), but if you work hard and prove your competency, there will be a raise next year. -u/deja_vuvuzela


Hydrogen-rich water. Had someone I know (this person is also into MLMs) try to sell me a thousands of dollars water filter. I looked up if there were any legit studies done on the health claims, and as I suspected, I didn't find any really compelling science. Turns out most of the claims pretty much line up with the health benefits of just drinking more water in general. -u/nerdypursuits



Pretty much all Youtube ads these days. If it starts with "this one trick can" or anything like "doctors hate this" doctors hate it because they have to explain green tea doesn't cure type one diabetes. Tbh, it's flat-out dangerous false advertising but youtube doesn't care. -u/neoben00


”I’m paying off debts of $5000 to the first five people to DM me"


Those Alpha Male courses. -u/Ethan-Samurai


Kids iPhone/iPad games. My kid is downloading these “free” games that constantly ask her to buy an extra skin or a treasure box of thousands of coins to upgrade and keep playing. It’s really scummy because they know exactly who their audience is, children who have no concept of money. -u/0wlBear916



Your friend that has been absent in a few years suddenly showing up telling you that he /she has a fantastic job offer for you. -u/TheWiseCock


Anyone - A-N-Y-O-N-E - promising to teach you the secrets of becoming wealthy at a free seminar.I have a family member that got sucked into the Kiyosaki vortex. It's a cult. -u/throwaway3544219


Scientology. -u/A-rat-on-a-keyboard



Mobile game ads. -u/Character-Watch5463


Herbalife. -u/Teh_Beavs


Mega Church tithing. -u/invalidpassword



Online dating services with monthly subscriptions. Any business that gets more money by failing than succeeding will be designed to fail, succeeding just enough to make users feel as though they can succeed. Basically the same principle as casinos. -u/IndigoFenix


Filling your tires with nitrogen for an extra fee.The air we breathe is over 3/4 nitrogen and added that extra 22% nitrogen to your tires will add no benefits and cost you anywhere from $70 to as much as $179.Unless they are doing it for free, you are being sold snake oil. -u/That_Is_My_Band_Name


The IRS will not call you to settle debts. -u/Revlis-TK421



The credit score system.How it should work: pay back loans early/on time, higher score. Don't pay back loans or pay back late, lower score. How it actually works: Pay back a loan too quick, score goes down. Open an account, score goes down. CLOSE an account, score goes down. You even ask for a copy of your credit report, your score goes down. It's ridiculous.It's not about your reliability, it's about how profitable you are to creditors looking to milk interest payments as long as possible. -u/MoochtheMushroom


Work 110% at your job and you will be successful.Yeah you'll be successful alright doing the work of 3 people while the people who don't work as hard get promoted because you are too valuable in your position. -u/NoSpray2890


You didn't just win that you don't remember entering. They just want you to send them money to process your "winnings" and by winnings I mean scam you for every penny they can. -u/Revlis-TK421

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