
25 Movies That Still Make Us Laugh Uncontrollably

Whether you're seriously depressed or just having a long day, the solution is simple: you need to watch a great comedy.

To help you get your mojo back, we've rounded up 25 movies guaranteed to make you laugh uncontrollably. Just hit "play" to start feeling better!


Planes, Trains and Automobiles. John Candy and Steve Martin are hilarious.


The scene in Bruce Almighty where he takes over Evans’s speech had everyone in the theater rolling with laughter. I've never seen so many people laughing uncontrollably at once.


I’ve never laughed harder at a movie in a theater than I did with The 40-Year-Old Virgin.



There's Something About Mary. Both the frank & beans and hair gel reveal scenes were probably the loudest I've ever heard a movie audience laugh.


Stepbrothers..."he had this serious look in his eyes, and he said 'let's get it on'..."


South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

I can remember a theater full of people laughing uncontrollably. People falling out of their seats. You missed half of the movie because you couldn't hear it.


Talladega Nights, when they were trying to get the knife out of his leg by using two more knives


Black Dynamite

"But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs in the community!"


Shaun of the Dead - When they throw records at the zombies in the garden. It took me about 30 minutes to stop laughing like a madman.



Galaxy Quest. Everyone was really good in the movie, but Alan Rickman was the best. So, so funny


21 Jump Street.

The drug scene had me literally gasping for air in the theater from laughing so hard.


Anchorman. The whole movie is hilarious, but I always especially lose my sh*t at "THE MAN PUNTED BAXTER! HE TOOK HIM WITH HIS FOOT AND HE KICKED HIM!"



You know in Finding Nemo how Dory speaks Whale by just saying words slower with a weird modulation? Like that Mongolian throat singing or whatever.

In my D&D group our cleric knew Giant so he spoke it like Common except with the Finding Nemo "whale" voice. And it's become this huge thing that that's what Speaking Giant means.

So I go to see Arrival with my best friend and her... I think he was her fiancé by then, maybe they were still dating. But the movie is about meeting aliens and trying to establish a common language.

And very early on there's a large establishing shot and the accompanying audio was this deep, thrumming gong that really sounded like a human voice trying to imitate a foghorn. So I casually turn to my friend and say, well that was easy, they just speak Giant, problem solved.

She laughed. That made me laugh. Every time one of us almost had control of ourselves, our eyes would meet and one of us would burst out laughing again and that would set the other off. Or another foghorn would sound on the screen and we'd lose our self-control again. The scene ended up lasting a solid 3 minutes. She almost passed out, she was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe, and I had fallen completely out of my chair and was laughing from a disgusting theater floor.

I swear to god if you saw her boyfriend's face he was seriously considering breaking up with her and I think she would have accepted that that was fair. I'm positive everyone else in the theater was actively plotting our murder. I feel so bad cuz really we were being jerks but we just could not stop laughing.

To this day we can each make the other laugh, just by making a foghorn sound.



What We Do In the Shadows. The scene where Viago is entertaining his guest is probably the darkest funny scene in any comedy.


Will Farrell shooting himself with the tranquilizer in Old School is still my favorite comedy scene of all time


Kung Fu Hustle. The knife throwing scene gets me every time.



First time I saw Team America: World Police. The entire audience was losing their sh*t laughing during the Eiffel tower scene…


Airplane. Every scene is packed with hilariousness.


Wet Hot American Summer- any scene with Gene in it is comedic gold.



Tropic Thunder.


A scene in the second Austin Powers film - in which Austin and Mini-Me are behind a screen at the doctor's office, in Dr Evil's lair, and do wacky things with their shadows while a sailor watches on. I think I lost a lung to that one.


Dumb and Dumber We were on a long-haul flight that had been really heavily delayed, and it was the in-flight movie. The plane was utterly silent since it was a night flight. We got the Jim Carrey line "we’ve got no food, we’ve got no money.. our pet's heads are falling off!!" My sister burst out laughing and woke up half the plane. Despite me elbowing her she couldn’t stop. Complete hysterics for everyone who could see what was happening. Even the stewardess thought it was funny.



Snatch - the whole sequence when the car hit the Russian. That was some brilliant editing.


Wolf of Wall Street, especially the scene when they took the expired ludes.


My daughter and I watched the Mitchells vs the Machines. The machines cannot differentiate between the family’s pug, and a loaf of bread and they short circuit I lost my sh*t.


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