
25 Life Saving Tips You Can Use in a Pinch

You never know when you might find yourself in a sticky situation. In those spots, it's important to know what to do, so that you're not forced to grapple with tough decisions under a ticking clock and the pressure of survival. 

These tips and tricks can't replace proper training, but they might be the factoid you need to save your bacon when the going gets extra tough. 


If your house smells like fish for absolutely no reason, 9 times out of 10 it means that there is an electrical fire. The other time it means you need to take a shower.


Pretending to order a pizza while calling the cops might work. Some women who lived with domestic abusers have done this.


Never leave unsecured heavy objects like tools on the back seat/parcel shelf of your car. In a high-speed collision, such items can kill you.



Ammonia and bleach do not mix.


Teabags stop bleeding. They have an acid called tannic which is a natural clotting agent.


If you get stabbed or impaled, LEAVE THE FOREIGN OBJECT ALONE. Do not attempt to remove it. Yeah, it's horrible and it's freaking you out, but your odds of survival are much higher if you just leave it be. Medical professionals will remove it in an environment equipped to deal with it.


You can hold a plastic bag around a willow tree branch with leaves and it will start condensing drinkable water in the bag.


If someone is acting drunk but, didn't have any alcohol, ask them to smile. If one side of their mouth is down, take them to a doctor because they are having or will have a stroke.


Put a lid on a flaming pan to smother it and remove from heat carefully. Never throw any liquid on it. Don't remove the lid for at least 5 minutes.



If the ocean water suddenly recedes at the beach, a tsunami is probably coming. Run, don't look at the fish.


A motorcycle helmet is stronger than a skull.


The rule of 3: 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. Prioritize water first in a survival situation.


Never let potatoes go bad, they release solanine gas which can render a person unconscious. This is especially important if you have a cellar or keep them airtight.



If you ever have to rescue a drowning person, throw them something to grab onto besides yourself.


If you get bit by a wild animal, you must get the rabies vaccine. Rabies is not like a flu or mild inconvenience. It’s one of the most lethal diseases on the planet. It has a near 100% fatality once the disease takes hold. And it’s a horrible way to go.


If you find yourself stranded in a desert, ration sweat, not water. Of course don’t drink all of your water in one go, but the rate at which you’ll dehydrate and overheat if exerting yourself, (e.g. walking/hiking too fast or climbing over obstacles in the heat of the day), will kill you much quicker. Many people are found dead with water, which is terrifying.



When caught in a rip-tide at the beach just swim slowly along the beach, parallel to the shore until you feel the pull ease up. Then swim towards the shore.


If you're choking, don't get embarrassed, don't go to the bathroom, don't walk away from people. I've seen a couple people nearly die because they were panicking and walked away from the dinner table while choking. Do the universal sign for choking with both your hands on your neck, and most people will get the message.


Although fast, an alligator has a terrible turn radius.



If you see a dog running at you, do not run. This triggers their hunting instinct and causes them to see you as prey. If they look aggressive, hold your ground and shout as loud as you can. Make yourself look bigger and the dog will usually turn tail and run.


More people are killed by vending machines than shark attacks or plane crashes. That stuck snack isn’t worth it.


If you end up having to survive in a forest, crickets or grasshoppers chirping is NOT annoying. It is your sign of safety. (Crickets stop chirping when something big is moving close to them.)



When you're driving down the highway, check the sides of the road for glowing eyes of animals like deer and elk. It's the best way to avoid or prepare yourself for collisions. Ever since hitting a moose, I do this constantly.


If it’s cloudy outside and you suddenly feel static run down your body, better pucker them cheeks and drop to the ground. Lightning is about to hit dangerously close to you.


When you see someone faint, DON'T help them stay up. Gently catch and lay down asap. They're fainting because the brain needs blood to stay alive. Keeping them upright will prevent this. If you feel light-headed, lay down so that nobody tries to keep you on your feet. If you suffer from any condition that causes fainting, explain this to people around you.

Categories: Ftw Wow Facts

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