
25 Ingenious Life Hacks to Help You Get By

What would life be without the handy tips and tricks that make it manageable? Here are 25 life hacks that are bound to help grease the wheels with everything from food prep to proper hygiene.


Life Hacks -- Mask Glasses dish soap

“Mask? Glasses? No worries! Use dish soap and wash your glasses with it. Here’s the catch – don’t use water; just wipe off the soap with a soft towel and fog is no more!” - u/ArchieLube


Life Hacks - X% of Y is the same as Y% of X

“X% of Y is the same as Y% of X (e.g., 8% of 25 is the same as 25% of 8). Makes calculating sales at stores much easier.” - u/g00se-onthel00se


Life Hacks - Read the three- and four-star reviews

“Read the three- and four-star reviews for the most reliable information on Amazon items.” - u/Raspburyberet



“If you have trouble choosing, flip a coin. While you’re waiting to get the result, your mind automatically starts to wish for what it wants. Then you can choose easily.” - u/riathekid


“When moving house, always set up your bedroom/make the bed first so that, when you’re exhausted and have just had enough, you can fall into bed. Nothing worse than being exhausted and having to make the bed before getting into it.” - u/VLC31


“When hanging picture frames, put painter’s tape from edge to edge on the top side of the frame, trace where the hangers are, peel the tape off, and stick it to the wall where you want your frame hung. Tap your nails into the pre-marked spots, then remove the tape and hang your frame.” - u/holmangirl


“Shower or bathe before you shave, especially if your hair is coarse. Moisturize after and you won’t get bumps, rashes, or burns.” - u/RiotousTotalus


“If you’re in a public restroom and are sitting on an automatic-flushing toilet, put a bit of toilet paper over the motion sensor at the back. This will prevent it from flushing before you’re ready.” - u/wisperino345


“Mix equal parts Dawn dish soap, vinegar, and water in a spray bottle. (Helps if you heat the vinegar a bit first, then mix with the soap, then add water.) Best bathroom cleaner ever.” - u/geministarz6



“If you want to wear something white or light in color, wear underwear that matches the color of your skin.” - u/SoupPoops


“If you’re wearing black clothes with lint/fur on them but don’t have a lint roller handy, just dampen your hands and run them down the clothes. The worst of it will gather in an easily grab-able ball.” - u/coffee-and-insomnia


“Honey does not go bad. If it has become solid, it has just crystallized and can become liquid again with just a little heat.” - u/cbreeze2121


“If you’re having trouble getting your baking paper to fit your tray, scrunch it up and then unfurl it. It stays in the pan easier and fits like a dream.” - u/GamerRade



“When you’re cooking and the recipe calls for onions and garlic, don’t put the garlic into the pan until the onion is nearly translucent. Garlic cooks way faster than onions do; if you throw them in at the same time it won’t taste as good/the garlic will burn. It literally takes 30 seconds for minced garlic to cook.” - u/Razwog


“In a pinch, the seatbelt in your car can be used as a bottle opener.” - u/ForceSensitiveKitten


“If you get caught up in a riptide, swim diagonally or parallel to the shore. If you swim perpendicular to the shore, the riptide will pull you farther away from it and you will waste your stamina.” - u/Voina040806



“Dissolve four aspirin tablets (uncoated, or soak and then scrape off the coating) in a bit less than a quart of water. Add white vinegar (around an ounce or two) up to the top. Shake well. Massage a spoonful of this into your scalp once or twice a day . . . Itchy and flaky scalp – gone.” - u/Iconoclast123


“To sharpen blunt scissors, take a piece of aluminum foil and cut it.” - u/Potato__Queen


“Putting a piece of paper towel in a boxed salad will absorb moisture and prolong its shelf life.” - u/Pucyyyy



“Turn natural peanut butter (the kind where the oil separates and you have to mix it) upside down for a few hours; it will bring the oil to the top and make it a lot easier to mix! Then, after you mix it, put it in the fridge and the cold will solidify the oil so you don’t have to mix it again.” – u/Thisisnotsky


“Putting your Oreos in the fridge makes them taste far better than room-temperature Oreos.” - u/Batz_R_Nocturnal


“When you have cold cereal, put the bowl and a glass of milk in the freezer for about 10 minutes beforehand. It will be the best cereal you’ve ever had. The milk stays cold, and it keeps the cereal from becoming soggy so quickly.” - u/AnnaBanana3468



“If you’re outside in extreme heat and feeling faint or like you’re about to pass out, take cold water or a piece of ice and rub it on your forearms. You will feel the effects immediately; your head will no longer be dizzy and your internal core temperature will stabilize.” - u/EnderOfHope


“Chocolate dissolves gum. If you get gum in your hair, use chocolate like soap. The chocolate (unlike the gum) will shampoo out.” - u/GuiltEdge


"Eat Cheetos with chopsticks.” – u/Primarch459

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