25 Jobs That Were The Absolute Worst
Cleaning poop, giving rectal exams, and serving the Kardashians all seem like the most horrible jobs ever.
But these r/AskReddit stories take the term "worst" to a whole new level.

"Call center for a cable company (rhymes with "Farter"). Worst f***ing job I ever had dealing with a**hole customers pissed off about the company's sh*tty equipment that, of course, was all my fault. I literally wanted to puke every time I had to go in that f***ing sh*thole of a place." - Few_Dance2106

"I tried teaching EFL to preschool-age children in South Korea. What I learned quickly is that the little Korean boys were really interested in whether or not this big white guy in the classroom was "put together" in the same way their dads were. After two days of getting my groin fondled by a bunch of kids, I just had to leave." - Hysterical_Realist

"I worked in a men's prison for sex offenders. But my answer is Burger King. I did not "have it my way." The King can suck my lady balls!" - CatGirlColorado
"The worst job I ever had was working at a Mcdonald's and it's not even close. I lasted 2 weeks and traded it for the aforementioned butcher shop cleaning job, scrubbing cold rotten meat was way better." - SMORKIN_LABBIT
"Corn detasseling downwind from a pig farm. Well, you don't notice the smell after half an hour so just corn detasseling in general. Backbreaking, skin shredding, walking down rows of corn in the hot sun all day while some old kid checks up the row behind you and throws tassles that you missed at you." - tezoatlipoca
"Sorting bottles and cans in a recycling center some guy had in his garage...just me there all day, and it was fucking disgusting....weeks old beer bottles with all manner of shit stuffed in them, leaking all over..." - OddlyEnuff42
"Disney Store. I had to stand outside with a massive stuffed Pluto on my shoulders and scream "PLUTO CAN BE YOUR BEST FRIEND FOR 39.99 !!" for 6 hours straight." - imvital
"Hotel housekeeping. If it comes out of the human body, I've cleaned it up. I started in a by-the-hour motel when I was 14, owned by a woman who didn't bother with the hazardous waste procedures and cleaned up what looked like a murder scene with nothing but bleach and kitchen gloves. I walked into that room and was absolutely positive that when I pulled the shower curtain open there was going to be a body in the bathtub. Thankfully there wasn't, just blood everywhere. The owner refused to let me report it, made me clean it, and I didn't want to get in shit for bleaching a murder scene at 14 so I never did call the cops." - EThDOtaG
"professional cleaner for restaurants. Fat and oil taste great but when they have not been cleaned up for months it is a messy disgusting mess. I'd rather clean up actual poop" - Zuckerborg0101
"Waiting tables at a retirement home, a combination of entitled old people and a coworker who constantly took over the task you were doing, and then complained that they had to do everything. the day after I quit she asked me to cover a shift for her, telling her to F-off was an amazing feeling." - irrelevantsafety
"Worked at my dad's office. To show everyone that he doesn't hand out favors I peeled stickers from old files. That was the job. In a windowless basement. For 8hrs a day. Week after week. He also invited me to his 2nd wedding. And expected me to wait tables on the guests. The post was titled "what's the worst dad you ever had?", right?" - nohiddenmeaning
"I worked a sales job where I saw someone get fired in their first hour and a half. It was so ruthless." - Celthicc
"Cleaning portable toilets. You have no idea the mess that people can make in those things. When I started working for the company the head honey sucker. They called it sucking honey for some reason. He told me if I ever found something in there I wanted to keep just bring it back to the shop. They had a solution we could clean it up with. Then he fucking goes, where you think I got these sunglasses. No way in hell I’m keeping something I found in a portable toilet much less going to wear it. I lasted about 3 months. By far the worst job I’ve ever had." - mud--cat
"Cleaning places at night with my aunt. She was a ripoff artist who would try to take your money any chance she got, then was surprised when no one in the family wanted to work with her." - WhatIsThisWhiteStuff
"I once worked in fast fashion retail and damn the stress! I lost a lot of weight and sleep after doing that for just a year. I literally had The Devil Wears Prada experience except that it's not a luxury fashion house. It's a very superficial and materialistic industry so I quit haha." - Silver-Pension-2835
"I worked at a rubber mat-making factory. Shovel rubber pellets into the oven, meltdown to make a mat, cut the mat into a 4x8 sheet, load the mat onto a pallet, rinse and repeat 900 more times for 8 hours a day. I lasted 3 months and went to work at Domino's. almost double the money with tips and f**k that noise." - sixesand7s
"I worked for a very small company that said they liked to pay cash for the first couple of weeks to make sure the job was a good fit for both parties. I was in my early 20s so this was not an immediate red flag. Cut to two months later and I’m being sexually harassed pretty much daily by the creepy “VP” and still have not gotten a payroll check. I got paid what I was owed for the week and never returned." - DateCard
"Walmart assistant store manager in a small town. All your employees leave after 40 hours cause no OT is allowed and you’re stuck in a hot trailer trying to unload the inventory by yourself. Also, insane work hours during the holiday season and the low pay just is the cherry on top." - BitterRhino683
"I worked at a toilet seat factory. Back in the 80s. On the assembly line. I ran the machine that put the little bumpers on the underside of the seat. Absolutely f**king mind-numbing. I was just a kid, but even I could see this was a nothing job. Met this lady who had been there 15 yrs and was still only making 5 bucks an hour. The minimum wage was like 3.15 at that time. I was like Oh Hell No. I lasted 1.5 shifts. Quit on my second day. Went to lunch....never went back." - Cynthus68
"Substitute teacher with Albuquerque Public Schools. I specialized in trying to teach history to middle school students." - HighDingyDoo