
25 Insane Facts People Shouldn't Know But Do

We all pick up interesting facts here and there throughout our lives. But over at r/AskReddit we found out some strange, somewhat disturbing, facts that people should just keep to themselves.


WTF Facts -- first aid training - First Au

That the standard CPR dummy's face is allegedly based on a 16-year-old girl, L'Inconnue de la Seine. The most common story that is circulated being that her body was pulled from the River Seine in the 1880s and, due to a bizarre turn of events, it became popular to have a cast of her face as a piece of art on the wall in the 1900s. -u/InquisitivelyDecayed


WTF Facts - brain neurons - Oo

A perfectly healthy person can have a seizure at any point for no apparent reason. The human brain has neurons misfire all the time. 99.999% of the time you don't notice because there's no noticeable effect, but if the wrong couple neurons misfire at the same time it can induce a seizure. -u/Temp_Variable


WTF Facts - woodpecker tongue brain

A woodpecker retracts its tongue and wraps it around its brain to prevent injury when drilling into trees in search of insects. -u/Razberrella



Doctors removed the eyes of Jack The Rippers last known victim in order to check if they could extract an image of the killer. -u/gadget242


That when you have a headache because you're extremely hungover, it's because your dehydrated brain is shriveling and pulling on the membranes that connect it to your skull. -u/skoogdoo


That Robert Pickton, serial killer in British Columbia, used to dispose of bodies at a local fat rendering plant, meaning that many of the products made from that plant, think gummies or anything gelatin related, likely contained human remains. -u/westKev


When you cremate someone with a tumor a lot of times the tumor doesn’t burn… it just smolders and smells bad. -u/Hellosweetie4


People dying often smell sweet. Not in a sugary way, but much more in flowery way. It's the decompositions of the body already starting. It can also smell vaguely like alcohol, especially their breath. -u/mamaclover


Around 30 people die every year, getting crushed from shaking a vending machine. -u/musiotunya



Toilets are designed so it is impossible to pass out while puking and drown in one. If someone drowns in a toilet they were murdered. -u/ImInOverMyHead95


Humans, being mostly Carbon, can be made into diamonds. I plan to go the cheaper route and have my ashes be rolled into a glass paperweight. Some day I might even end up on the shelf of a Goodwill for $2.99 -u/Onlyhereforthelaughs


One of the most toxic chemicals on Earth is an organic mercury compound. The material safety sheet notes that it has a slightly sweet odor, but at a concentration where the smell is detectable, it is already lethal. That observation came from someone who would inevitably die from accidental exposure. -u/patricksaurus


WD-40 rapidly destroys cocaine rendering it chemically unrecognizable. -u/Own_Yak_5019



In order to conserve water, a camel's urine comes out as a thick syrup. -u/duskhelm2595


They used to think that people who died of hypothermia were sexually assaulted. You apparently pop a boner in the final stages before you die. -u/DuckChowder


Birds get horny when you pet them. -u/AcceptableAd9043



Humans can live without their stomachs (and no you don’t necessarily need any ostomy bags either). I don’t have one any longer (stomach cancer). -u/Prettydeadlady


I can never let go of the fact that Richard Nixon's favorite food was cottage cheese with ketchup. -u/uvero


Elon Musk’s father is currently with and has a child with his step-daughter. He became her step-father when she was about 3. -u/MotherOfDachshunds42



A male bees penis explodes audibly after sex. -u/D-Squared42


The last execution by guillotine was in France (obviously) on September 10, 1977, Star Wars was released in May of that year. -u/Paragammon264


The US military conducted chemical weapons tests on 60,000 US service members during WWII. It was kept secret until the 1990’s and wasn’t widely known until NPR wrote an investigative story on it in 2015. -u/rootdotmainloop



During the cold war British tornado pilots where told not to worry about having enough fuel to return to base as there wouldnt be a base to return to after the first 2 hours of war. -u/Husker545454


The artwork on Metallica's album Load is a mixture of cow blood and human semen. -u/papabless3


Most high-value pearls are made through frankensteining living tissue from another oyster into the sexual organ of the "host" oyster. -u/hindymo

Categories: Ftw Wow Facts

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