
24 “Harmless” Things Men Do That Women Can't Stand

It's an open secret that men often get on women's nerves. Most of the time, though, the reason why something is annoying is pretty obvious.

Not all the time, though. Sometimes, a guy thinks he is doing something harmless and he makes a gal go nuclear. So here are just a few of the "harmless" things you need to avoid doing!


It's an open secret that men often get on women's nerves. Most of the time, though, the reason why something is annoying is pretty obvious.

Not all the time, though. Sometimes, a guy thinks he is doing something harmless and he makes a gal go nuclear. So here are just a few of the "harmless" things you need to avoid doing!


“You’re cute when you’re mad”-u/ancientamber


“For being a girl you’re surprisingly really good at doing ____”.-u/Sienna-hart



That's not very ladylike.-u/0hbryan


Making us prove we are knowledgeable whenever we like something that is traditionally "masculine".I like soccer and one of my colleagues quizzed me on how many players are supposed to be on the field during a game. Not in a billion years would he have done that to another man. Still ticks me off up to this day.-u/Poppiiiiiiiiies


Picking fights with people so you can demonstrate that you are a True Alpha Male.-u/Bizarre_Protuberance


Catcalling, apparently. In highschool I got into a really heated argument with a boyfriend because he insisted that women "usually appreciate the compliment." Several other girls jumped in to back me up and he still tried to tell us that we were wrong. It was one of the most frustrating arguments I've ever had.-u/Delicious-Carpet-3


Talking over us. There is a guy in my history class who constantly interrupts me just to repeat what I’ve already said with bigger words that he’s using wrong. The teacher lets him do it and loves having him in class. Also anytime the teacher asks something about life (for example would you still eat chicken if you had to kill it yourself) he goes “girls? would you?” acting like it would be more difficult for us.-u/24_monkeys


Once had a guy in college tell me I’d be really hot if I put some effort in the morning. 8 am class and I was a bartender with a bf. 100% dgaf about trying to turn you on, bro.-u/Smartwentcrazy89



Calling them "baby" and "sweetheart" like immediately after meeting. Ugh, that is such a cringey thing to do when they aren't even aware of what your first name is.-u/DizzyZygote


“Calm down” when you have any reaction…even just raising my eyebrows. I am calm. But it’s okay when you get mad and punch a wall…-u/Shahmaan


Saying "it must be that time of the month"-u/Lawgics


At my former job, I worked with a lot of volunteers, so people were being very familiar with each other. That was fine, but the amount of men who wanted to rub my shoulders without asking was insane. Why, why would you just grab people you don't really know like that? And keep trying to do it after I tell you I don't like it?-u/theswamphag



"You're too pretty to work this job." I heard this constantly from male patients when I was a paramedic. I was the youngest paramedic they had and I was one of the few women. IT ISN'T A COMPLIMENT YOU IDIOT. I WORKED REALLY HARD TO GET THERE.-u/1Small_Pink_Camel


There was a situation where I was picking up furniture together with my partner and my father when the guy who runs that place came up to my dad smirking and asking if I had a sister - knowing that I could hear it. That dude was at least over 50. That was so weird and unnecessary. Just wrong. He was that kind of guy who would label everything as a “compliment” or “locker room talk”.-u/introverting_vibes


Being told to smile. Instant rage.-u/AuroraCloudberry



Insulting other women’s bodies in front of us.I’ve had men do this around me thinking it’ll boost my self-esteem if they insult factors of another woman’s appearance that I don’t have, for example by bullying small chested, older or larger women. All it does is put me in competition with others and makes me realize that if my physical traits were different, this man probably wouldn’t respect me half as much, or that I’ll be less attractive to him if my appearance changes. It makes me feel like a commodity, puts pressure on me and just makes the relationship feel very surface level. I don’t care if your ex is now a ‘fat cow’, keep it to yourself.-u/stagsinthehospice


Do not touch my waist or hips and excuse it by saying “just trying to scoot by”Use your words if you need to walk behind me. You wouldn’t do this to a man. I know what you’re doing. It’s not clever.-u/superfruitballs


Monday: "Make me a sandwich ha ha ha "Tuesday: "Make me a sandwich ha ha ha"Wednesday: "Make me a sandwich ha ha ha"Thursday: "Make me a sandwich ha ha ha"Friday: "Make me a sandwich ha ha ha"Saturday: "Make me a sandwich ha ha ha"And on Sunday he rested to opine about how women just aren't as funny as men-u/mylatestphase



“Shouldn’t you be watching your figure?” When we’re eating sweets .-u/Passive_Southerner


Honking or yelling out of your car window when I am walking, pumping gas, etc. Would be nice to do basic activities in peace.-u/teenager-from-mars


“Good girl”-u/Fuzzy_Ad3338



Asking me for advice on a subject I know more than you about and then completely ignoring it.-u/bunnyswan


Assuming we don’t know something, then proceeding to explain it when we did. Not. Ask.-u/TraditionalElk549


Will call men “men” but women “females” it just rubs me the wrong way-u/ask_bee


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