Facts And Statistics That Are So Incredible You Won't Believe They're Real
The Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal (at 79.91862° W) is farther west than the Pacific entrance (at 79.52145° W).
New York City is farther west than Santiago, Chile. New York City is found at -74.005970° W, whereas Santiago, Chile is at -70.48270° W.
Sweden, Switzerland, and Austria is/were third world countries. This is because the actual definition of "third world country" referred to any nation that wasn't allied with the US (first world), or the USSR (second world).
Unthaw really means to thaw, just as people use literally when they really mean figuratively. It is a phenomenon known as "inverse speak," where the speaker's meaning is actually the opposite of the word's intuitive meaning.
As of this writing, if you have bad credit, it's easier for you to get a new car than a cheaper used one assuming you are buying from a dealership.
There is a part of Canada that is farther south than a part of California. Actually, more than half of the states reach farther north than the the southernmost tip of Canada. The southern most point of Canada is 41'41N (in Lake Erie). The northern most point of California is 42N
Helmets on the battlefield led to an increase in the number of injured soldiers. Before helmets, head injuries usually meant certain death.
As long as the power is off, in many cases, you can completely submerge electronics in water and not cause any damage. (Note: Please don't try this at home!)
Sharks have been around longer than trees. Sharks have been around for 400 million years; trees for 350 million years.
When you're stuck in the snow, you're supposed to turn your traction control off. This is because you need all the power you can get in your wheels.
There are more trees on Earth (3 trillion) than there are stars in the Milky Way (100 billion).
More people in deserts die of drowning than die of dehydration. The reason is flash flooding. Also, if people die of dehydration, it is usually only one or two people. When people die in flash floods, it's usually the whole village.
Key West is farther west than all of mainland South America. Key West is at 81.7800° W; Punta Pariñas, Peru is at 81.32° W.
The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn. For several thousand years, unicorns were thought to be real. They were associated with nobility and purity, and their natural enemy was thought to be the lion, a symbol embraced by English royals.
Just as with mushrooms, humans are genetically more closely related to sea cucumbers than to insects.