
25 Celebrities Who Are Secretly Entitled Jerks

We love to gossip about celebrities. We love it even more when we can confirm one is a horrible person. So we went to r/AskReddit to find out what celebrities are possibly terrible people both in public and in private.


Mario Lopez. He’s all love and light on Instagram but he’s a sneaky, selfish, manipulative person that consistently treats the crew around him like trash. Unfortunately, I don’t suspect this, I’ve seen it first hand. I’m constantly surprised when I meet people that think there is anything nice about him. He’s a slimeball. -u/Ehzabeth


Straight up Joel Osteen wears a zipper mask resembling a human, but when he takes it off at night, a hideous monster, who probably sacrifices animals to Ba'al or his own effigy. -u/ruestecatherine


Dan get in the van Schneider -u/damo190



Dr. Phil for sure. There was an episode in the early 2000s featuring the mother of a missing girl named Natalee Holloway. They claimed to have confessions from the killers on tape. He showed that poor mother a completely edited conversation with the suspected murders that made it seem like a true confession. Later on, they were called out on straight-up lying and editing the tape. -u/ThatKozmicHistory


Tyra Banks, she seemed genuinely unstable on ANTM. Just had these occasional weird aggressive moments for no reason. -u/pavlovasavage


Hopefully Ghislaine Maxwell will give us the full list. -u/IAMIACEE


Gwyneth Paltrow, because of her goop products that are actually bad for health and she is still promoting them to people. -u/sociocandy


Steven Seagal. For starters, he’s creepy and scary even on tv and ln interviews. He’s not scary in a “big softy” way, but a creepy teacher way. Idk if he has controversy already, but it really feels like he does. -u/spiteful_alarm


Kenneth Copeland, but this one might be out in the open. -u/jorndanleveledup



Jefree Starr, he is pure evil in public too. -u/Geek-Avocado


Kylie Jenner, making billions while not paying poor garment workers in Bangladesh. -u/Alfi919


J Lo. I've heard she is super demanding and shitty towards her help. -u/bluepepino


Drake the type of fella to sleep in a race car shaped bed -u/WilliamAlexB



I 100% believe Tom Cruise is a serial killer and Scientology provides him his victims and covers it up. -u/Dead_Hours


Armie Hammer is allegedly a cannibal. Which must have made failing the audition for the role of Hannibal Lecter particularly disappointing. -u/NewAd3222


Steve Jobs, probably controversial opinion but read about apple Lisa. He told the mother of his first child he had had a vasectomy and therefore the child couldn’t be his. She had to support herself and the baby alone and ended up moving to a commune. All while he was raking in the dough, naming the computer the name of the child he denied fathering and starting a new family. -u/lucyinthesky624



Nicki Minaj, her brother is a rapist…and she backed him on that shit by defending him.-u/Ronotrow2


Lord, give us back Bernie Mac and we’ll give you Steve Harvey. -u/Actius


Lorraine Braco, bc I saw her do pure evil to a crew member @ work one day. Worked w a f*ck ton of celebrities over the years, worked w a few p.o.s., seen a few tantrums, a few diva moments. I've never seen a crew member verbally abused (for no good reason, btw) the way she did to an Assistant Director. -u/ADogNamedIndiana



I used to work for a private aircraft company and had the mispleasure of having Oprah on a charter flight. We were used to having a lot of difficult and diva clients but Oprah was, far and away, the worst and most difficult client we had ever had. She was so difficult and high maintenance that the CEO told us she was not welcome back on another flight, so future requests from her team were met with schedule conflicts on our end. -u/Lansman


Idk James Franco gives me weird vibes. -u/Mindless_Fig_9105


I don’t think Madonna is a real person anymore. She has been a succession of characters for so long there is nothing left. -u/jeffweet



Chrissy Teigen. She tried to convince a teenage bride who was being abused to kill herself on twitter repeatedly for like several years. Then fake apologized and cried about being cancelled for being a monster. -u/Caddas


Adam Levine, he was here in Chile and was a huuuuuge scandal in all the news cause he started insulting the audience and walk off the stage. -u/Fantastic-Rabbit-579


My dad used to fly private jets and he said Mariah Carey was by far the most stuck up, demanding celebrity he ever flew. He said she came up to the cockpit during takeoff and bitched them out about how the limes in her drink wern't perfect 1/8s. They aborted takeoff, turned around, and kicked her ass off. -u/Jboedie

Categories: Facepalm Wow

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