
25 Signs That Our Future Is Doomed

Most of us try to remain optimistic from day to day. Otherwise, what's even the point of getting up?

Sadly, there are many signs that our future is downright screwed. And here are just a few of the biggest signs that we're doomed.


One time I had a lady yell at me to move my ambulance while I did CPR on her teenage neighbor. -u/RRuruurrr


CPS failing so many kids here where I live, one lived in a meth lab that blew up and CPS was called many times before. Won’t forget the day they took their scorched bodies out of the lab, horrible sight burnt into my mind -u/Mysterious_Ask_7895


Screaming at people who work in retail. -u/lelieep



People can't follow the simple 'dont be a d*ck' rule. -u/mckhrt


Consumer culture and countless ads everywhere. When you see those people fighting over a TV on Black Friday you realize how fucked up we are. -u/Lord-AG


During an official meeting in Karnataka (state in India) an MLA said "When rape is inevitable lie down and enjoy it." -u/WildFyreTW


The number of posts I see all over the place with how little jobs care for their employees whether it’s them being underpaid, overworked, understaffed, or mistreated by their bosses or any combination of this. -u/tremors51000


Rich people doing terrible things and just kinda paying their way to avoid justice. -u/ijustwanttoaskaq123


How easily the media can distract everyone from real and disturbing news that’s happening and nobody cares or can see what’s happening. The media is owned by billionaires who want everyone distracted from the real issues. -u/OhSoSilver



We legalized weed, made a bunch of tax revenue, made a bunch of people a lot of money, but didn’t commute sentences for cannabis-related crimes. People rotting in prison for a crime that’s no longer a crime. -u/Bloorajah


The fact that people DIE every year, in one of the richest countries in the world, due to not being able to afford insulin. A material that costs only $2-3 to produce, yet sells for 100x that amount. -u/thiccasscherub


My ex and I witnessed a bad accident in front of us at an intersection (truck ran a light and t-boned a car). Without thinking, I jumped from the car and ran over to help free the older couple in the car.

I was struggling to get the door open as I tried to reassure them that everything was going to be fine. I looked up and saw people standing on the sidewalk, filming us. Nobody bothered to come help me until I pointed at a man and told him to. Gotta get those likes I guess. -u/DickChodeBalls


It'll cost me almost as much to have surgery to remove my miscarried child as it would to give birth. And I don't get to go home with a baby. F*ck American healthcare. -u/itsreybecca



I’m American and I know for people outside the US this is going to sound insane, but hearing about people calling an Uber instead of an ambulance because the ambulance is too expensive. -u/standbylion8202


We're living through an empathy crisis. People are so disconnected from others that they're incapable of compassion. Kind people are seen as fools, people trying to make the world better are treated as pie-in-the-sky dreamers (or simply dangerous), and those who call out injustice and cruelty are 'snowflakes'. Even 'wokeness' can be performative, with people just throwing words they saw online around to one-up someone else. -u/realsmithshady


Trauma is so common that people cannot comprehend that someone can be nice/kind to them without either wanting something in return or being attracted to them. -u/mynexttattoois



Sex trafficking of children. -u/tryanother_please


Police arresting people for giving food/blankets to the homeless. -u/lemons_of_doubt


Reality TV stars who continue to be relevant years after their show ended and they’ve done nothing else of value, in other words, shows like TMZ are to blame -u/ikindalikeme



China hosting the Olympics while running concentration camps and harvesting organs and mass slave labor. Countries like Iran and Saudi heading committees on UN human rights and women's rights! -u/Growerofgreens


We produce 1.5 times enough food to feed the world but we don't because it's not profitable -u/AbsuredMrSteel


The degree to which we brazenly destroy the environments of other living creatures for profit and comfort, even when we know it endangers our own future -u/one9eight5



The oil, gas and coal industries get tax subsidies but when actual taxpayers got the stimulus checks (tax subsidy) people screamed “socialism!” -u/Beachi206


How dismissed domestic violence is by courts worldwide. -u/The_Emperor_turtle

Categories: Wtf Facepalm Wow Fail

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