
25 Major Scandals Everyone Has Forgotten About

These days, major scandals usually blow up online. Before the day is out, it seems like everyone in the world has heard about it.

Some scandals, however, slip through the cracks. What are the biggest scandals everyone overlooked or suddenly forgot about? Let's find out!


These days, major scandals usually blow up online. Before the day is out, it seems like everyone in the world has heard about it.

Some scandals, however, slip through the cracks. What are the biggest scandals everyone overlooked or suddenly forgot about? Let's find out!


Ticketmaster buying their own tickets to scalp out at thousands of dollars. -u/wpggloryhole


The Hyundai plant in Alabama has employed 50 underaged workers. Some of them are as young as 12 years old. They have these kids working shifts around the clock. Crazy that this hasn't made a much bigger splash. -u/Ear_Enthusiast



Those Turpin siblings that escaped being chained to their beds by their sh*tty parents? Happy ending, right? Yeah, no. Turns out their foster parents ended up abusing them even worse and now a bunch of them are suing. -u/TwoFingersWhiskey


“Recycling.” You’d be amazed and disgusted at how much stuff you think you are recycling that your municipalities are shipping off to other countries just so they can dump it in the ocean for you. We know this is happening too but because we’re disconnected from it we just ignore it. -u/tibbymat


Nurdles. Except it wasn't forgotten about, nobody cared to begin with. Nurdles are these tiny little plastic beads that companies buy as a raw material to melt down to make plastic products. If you were making plastic toys, you might buy bags of plastic "nurdles" to melt down for your molds. Anyway, some cargo containers FULL of these were lost from a ship and dumped into the Gulf Coast. It created an ecological microplastic disaster that is impossible to even attempt to clean up. Nobody really got into trouble for it. -u/sapphicsandwich


A lot of people seem to simply overlook the fact that Chris Brown beat the heck out of Rihanna. -u/amyjandrews


The NYC Mayor's wife misplaced a whole lot of money and nobody seems to care. -u/irishpwr46


Assassination of Haiti's president. -u/YesImThatGirl



Not an overtly public or well-known scandal... but erm... where theheck is Shelly Miscavige? And why is no one actively investigating her disappearance? -u/JewJitsu83


Wells Fargo bank opening BS accounts and submitting credit card applications on behalf of their customers....without their knowledge or consent. I'm actually a customer with them and have been for years so for all I know they did that to me, but all I ever got was a couple of emails about how they're really a good company with good people and that doesn't reflect their values or something like that. I think they ended up firing a lot of people and executives who knew about it were fined millions of dollars. But I mean if the practice went that high it must have been widely known. -u/anfla56


The FBI knew the pedophile Larry Nassar was molesting child gymnasts and allowed him to continue for years. They went so far as to falsify the testimony of the victims. No one at the FBI has been punished. Nassar was sentenced in 2017.-u/saw2239


Airlines getting bailed out by taxpayers during a crisis and with executives still taking huge bonuses. The quality of airlines significantly deteriorated because they don’t want to compress profit by paying more to hire more and expand flight offerings again to pre-pandemic levels. -u/rpoh73189



In 2016, South Korea had a political scandal in which president Park Geun-Hye was exposed for being manipulated/controlled by a cult called "The 8 Goddesses Cabal". South Korea was literally being ruled by a cult. Park was impeached. -u/YaBoyVolke


MP P***phile Dossier. A bunch of UK politicians were caught "borrowing" children for an orphanage for all the unspeakable things you can imagine. Another politician managed to weave himself into this circle consisting of around 20 members and took down names, dates, locations and victims. He then handed off this book to the Home Office (British CIA), who then handed it to the police, who then "lost" it. No action was taken. The case has been reopened 5 times since and each conclusion has always been "We lost the book. And we're not going to investigate it ourselves because uhh" . I think this circle is still going on and the police are being paid off to never investigate it. -u/WeakWraith


Pilot truck stops stole around $250 million dollars from their customers. The owner was never really penalized for it and owns the Cleveland Browns. -u/cleach31



Panama Papers. Proved that the rich and elite are hiding billions and everyone was just like 'meh'. -u/eddymarkwards


Anne Sacoolas ran over a kid in the UK but got away with it because she was married to a US diplomat.-u/UrinalCake777


Boy George!! He was jailed for 15 months for imprisoning a Norwegian male s**-worker after a photoshoot, in what the judge called a "premeditated, callous and humiliating" assault. He basically tortured him. And now he hosts TV shows in Australia! -u/pushingnumbers



That McDonald’s Monopoly sweepstakes? None of the big prize-winning pieces ever made it to stores. The guy in charge of ‘randomly’ putting them on cups and cartons after production kept them and gave them to friends, splitting the winnings. For YEARS. -u/AlwxWrites


Dupont (still active company) when producing Teflon dumped loads of bad chemicals into the water and Teflon was poisoning people all over the world giving them 6 known types of cancer. They covered it up for decades. Crazy how evil some companies are. -u/Opposite-Mediocre


In the Philippines, the dictatorship and the extra-judicial killings as well as the corruption under the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos seemed to be forgotten already. People here even elected his son as the president. -u/pew_paooo



The BP Oil Spill. In like, 2015 I drove by a packed BP and told my buddy "Wow BP is lucky everyone forgot" and he said, "Forgot what?" -u/mjzim9022


Politicians cashing out for huge profits right before COVID was widely publicized and the stock market tanked. They made millions and millions as millions of people lost millions, and their lives. -u/tossaway69420lol


Cambridge Analytica. They used social media and social sciences to manipulate entire countries. They helped facilitate Brexit and cause a huge cultural divide in the U.S. I think it’s a new kind of warfare. -u/SnapDragonBlues



The financial crash of 2008 and how all of the individuals responsible saw little to zero consequences of their actions which destroyed global economics. Allowing them to continue in their roles or similar who are now orchestrating new schemes that see the rich get richer and the working man more marginalized. -u/-TeddyDaniels

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