25 Insane Bible Stories That Read Like Real Florida Man Headlines
However, upon closer examination, many of the most famous biblical stories are basically Florida Man stories. And after reading this, you'll never think of the Bible the same way again!
Florida man tries to kill daughter-in-law for getting pregnant during sex work. Plot twist: he IS the father of her child! (Tamar & Judah, Genesis 38)Reddit quote, u/mydearestangelica
Florida man kills his brother in a field, says he was "Jealous of what the Lord gave him"Reddit quote, u/S4MXX
Florida man, whose wife went missing, claims she "turned into something that looked like bath salts".Reddit quote, u/JaxAnGo
Florida man cuts his girlfriend into pieces after she is raped to death, mails them to every town in Florida.Reddit quote, u/generals_test
Left-handed Florida man stabs overweight politician with sword. The sword disappears into the politician’s body, never to be seen again.Reddit quote, u/Saigers01
"Florida man caught with bag containing 200 foreskins of men from his neighboring community. Reports indicate this is the same individual who killed local heavyweight celebrity by flinging a pebble at his head several years ago as a teen." u/AndysBrotherDan
Florida man paints door with sheep’s blood. Said it was to protect his firstborn sonReddit quote, u/Cocakayla
Disoriented Florida man found on the beach claims to have spent the last three days in the stomach of a large fishReddit quote, u/Ohfukihavecovid
Florida man claims superhuman strength until Florida woman cuts off his mullet.Reddit quote, u/ComingOfCoyote
Florida man trades entire inheritance to his brother in exchange for some baked beans Reddit quote, u/ThadisJones
Florida women fight over baby until Florida man threatens to cut it in half , u/queer-queeries
"Florida man spends entire night in Lion enclosure, emerges the next day unharmed."Reddit quote, u/AndysBrotherDan
Florida governor sends soldier to his death to make the widow his mistress.Reddit quote, u/tech_probs_help
Florida man impales couple after seeing them engage in extramarital coupling.Reddit quote, u/HanNotanaholeSolo
Florida man with fancy coat, sold into slavery by his brothers, manages to become Lt. Gov of California, pranks family when they come asking for food assistance.Reddit quote, u/2_Sheds_Jackson
Florida man goes on roid rage and kills 100s with the jawbone of an ass, gets stripped of his manhood by Florida stripper.Reddit quote, u/Who_Wouldnt_
Florida man builds giant boat in back yard because "the voice told him to".Next up, local zoo is baffled. Police investigation stalled due to inclement weather.Reddit quote, u/Viperdragon99
Naked man steals apple from local orchard. Blames naked wife, who in turn blames a talking snake.Reddit quote, u/m31td0wn
Florida man who once faked schizophrenia to escape rival gang and swindled his own church becomes "Anointed One" (David & Achish, 1 Samuel 21)Reddit quote, u/mydearestangelica
Florida man wrestles social worker in parking lot before gang feudReddit quote, u/ThadisJones
Florida man removes load bearing pillar of a building during a party, killing himself and all other party-goers.Reddit quote, u/FoolishMcSmartypants