
25 Thoughts on How to Cope With Your Own Demise

Death comes for all of us eventually. And if you're not careful, thinking about this can really harsh your mellow.

How can you make peace with the inevitable? Here are the best ways to accept that you will someday die!


Anticipation for some peace and quiet


The fact that even if you couldn’t die, our sun will expand and consume the earth. If you could escape that, on a long enough timeline every atom in the universe will vanish. So, rationalizing death through escape is impossible which helps quiet the “it’ll never happen to me” mindset. The bigger picture helps calm the fear.


I find that the older I get, the less I worry about this. I can't change it, delay it, or even anticipate its exact occurrence. Nor would I want to.

Someone recently told me that focusing on the "now" is usually the best way not to dwell on this fact. Besides, by the time I'm dead, I won't even know I'm dead. If anything, I worry more about how my surviving family will deal with my death.



The curtain falls on every act, the game always ends. Enjoy your trip around the board.


So I'm not a religious person at all. I don't believe there's anything afterlife, we all just die and that's it.

But while some people are scared by that, it's what drives me. If you waste your life you're going to be afraid of dying. But if you live a full and satisfying life (get into a career you enjoy, invest so you have the money to be financially free to do whatever you want, start a family, actually enjoy your life) you won't regret anything and can die happy knowing you lived life to the fullest.

I'm not saying you have to become a millionaire to be happy with your life. Just do what you enjoy, help and be kind to others, leave a legacy.

I'm going to die, you're going to die, everyone, we know/knew will die or has died. There's no point being scared, it's inevitable. Just embrace life, you only get one shot.


The atoms that momentarily come together to make me will still be with this universe, so I am never truly dead.

Or “from my rotting body, flowers will grow, and I am in them, and that is eternity.”


I'm hoping I'll be old enough to look forward to it.


Memento Mori or remember death. Think about what you did in your life and if you were to die today, would you be regretting anything? Reflect often and make the most of life. You never know when your last breath may be, don’t let that breath carry the words, “I’m not ready”


I treat it as a gift because I know it’s coming. I don’t know what’s on the other side. But I know what’s here, where I’m at on this planet in this universe. I know this life is finite and death shows me what it’s worth. It’s an incentive to live well and live good, experiencing all there is to offer. With death making it all sweeter, even all the hate I have in my heart is lessened by it, because it’ll all be only experienced once



You only die to other people, you will live on in what seems like to forever to yourself because it is.


I mean, it’s just that. It's the end of the road after a long life. I like to believe we become part of the world itself. Energy can't be created or destroyed, and it's been proven that we have a soul made from energy, so there has to be something else after.


I am Epicurean about it. "Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist," he said, and I reckon that's a good attitude to take. I do not care, until it arrives, and when it does, I cannot care.


It's the one thing that gets me up in the morning.



If everyone can do it, I can do it too.


It can be a scary thought, but it’s natural. Everything dies, everyone I love or have ever loved. You just gotta live the crap out of life so that when you go, it’s not so bad.


My sister nearly died in 1994. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2017. What I learned throughout my life was to have important conversations with the people you love. Tell them you love them. Work out issues with your loved ones. Die content.



Like everyone else, you ignore it until that inevitable 'oh sh*t' moment


Many of us have embraced the inevitable end. It’s a part of life. Death itself might be painful, but that’s no different from life. Being dead, however, won’t feel like anything, just like before you were born.

I hate the thought of being 90 years old, weak, weak-minded, and medicated, having to finally come to terms with death.

Better to get that existential dread out of the way in your teens and twenties, I say


I'm fine with death - I just don't want to be there when it happens.



Pure angst and existential dread. I've spent a great deal of time, pondering death to learn about it and accept it. In short, it's driven me somewhat mad and I experience panic attacks weekly when I try to sleep. Been going on for 6+ years now.

So really, what I learned is maybe just ignoring it until it happens is the best course of action.


I accept it because it’s inevitable and I have no control over the situation. When it does, I hope it’s horror movie, split-second fast.


Part of me feels immortal but TBH I really don't mind the idea of dying at all. I embrace it.



Just hope I come back as a cat


Sleep is a free trial of death and I've never been more at peace


I think the fact that I don't enjoy life really helps lol

Categories: Feels Wow Animals & Nature

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