
24 Year Old Girl Who's Almost Blind Finds A Way To Restore Her Eyesight

The tragic story of Amber might have a happy ending after all.


Original poster that shared this story wrote: "This is my sister in law. She's a super big gamer and a super nerd. Loves all things gameboy and xbox and Pokemon. She found out she has progressive cone dystrophy at 22. Before then, she was colorblind and very near sighted. As if that wasn't bad enough, her eye sight began to rapidly decline. She is beginning to lose all of her central vision and only has some peripheral vision left."


She's been through many tests in Philadelphia at some of the top eye specialist


They gave her some hope in the beginning that it would be rare for her disease to progress rapidly given her young age. "They were super wrong."



"In addition to her super dark sunglasses, she carries these 3 around and uses them all to navigate the world. Up until very recently she was still able to play video games, but the new Nintendo Switch she bought is basically unusable now."


This is from only a year ago when she began to get questions about her disease. It was pretty bad then, and its gotten a ton worse.


She never gave up.


"She made a post on r/cyberpunk with some details about her vision. She is also trying to raise funds to get these cool ass glasses called ESight that she can use to manipulate her remaining site and give her some independence. Her whole life is screens that she now can barely see."


"This is her finally getting to try out ESight, and it was life changing. It kills me to think she has to go back to a world of static and darkness knowing how good it could be." If you want to help Amber, check out this:

Categories: Wow

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