24 Spectacular Photos to Fuel Your Wonder

Valonia ventricosa is the world's largest single-celled organism. Yeah, this thing is one cell.

The Bombing of Tokyo aka "Operation of Meetinghouse" is the single most destructive bombing raid in human history which destroyed 41 km2 of central Tokyo and killed at least 100.000 civilians. The atomic bombing of Nagasaki by comparison resulted in about 80.000 deaths.

The Sin - Heinrich Lossow (1880) This is one of the most controversial works of art in history. This painting represents an event that actually occurred in a diary (Liber Notarum) by an apostolic. Cardinal César Borgia organizes a dinner where there were 5 prostitutes who “entertained” the guests.
South Korean professor Cho Jae-weon invented a toilet that turns poop into energy and pays people in digital currency. A person defecates~ 500g/day converted into 50 liters of methane gas which generates 0.5 kWh. Toilet users earn Ggool, a literal shit coin.
American junk food staples, Twinkies, and Pop-tarts are featured in the Swedish “Disgusting Food Museum.”
Amid a drought, the Dinosaur Valley State Park has discovered dinosaur footprints that have historically been covered by water and sediment. They date back more than 113 million years.
The single deadliest animal in history, The Beast of Champawat killed 436 people over 7 years between India and Nepal
The oldest house in France. It is in the city of Aveyron, and it is at least 700 years old.
On January 19, 1981, heavyweight champ Muhammad Ali became so upset when he found out that a Vietnam veteran was about to commit suicide near his home, that he dashed to the scene in just minutes. Not only did Ali prevent the man from killing himself, he also personally drove him to the hospital
NASA has released a new image of Jupiter from the James Webb telescope Featuring two moons, two rings, and distant galaxies
Michelangelo’s Moses is a marble sculpture made in 1513–15. One of the many details of this masterpiece is one very small muscle in the forearms that contracts only when lifting the pinky, otherwise it is invisible. Moses is lifting the pinky, therefore that tiny muscle is contracted.
12 days ago in Rome, the road collapsed, trapping a person. After 9 hours of work, they discovered he was digging a tunnel, possibly to reach a bank vault, 300 meters away
This power line happened to be laid straight through the skull of an anglo saxon women buried in a previously undiscovered 6th century graveyard.
Guardian Angels were a vigilante group that helped to fight crime and assisted the NYPD. Here they are on the NYC subway in 1980
This enormous cougar-shaped shadow appears only twice each year; One week in March, the other in September -- Superstition Mountains, Apache Junction, AZ
It took astrophotographer Marcella Guilia Pace ten years to capture these 48 colors of the moon