1. This is what wood looks like under a microscope
3. A tornado forming during a storm
4. What the FIFA meeting room looks like
5. This is what forests in Louisiana look like
6. This is the atrium of a hotel in Shanghai.
7. This is a boxer’s hand after knocking out his opponent.
9. The inside of an abandoned spacecraft hangar.
10. This is what a bearded vulture looks like
12. These crayons that have been turned into sculptures
13. This colorful sea-turtle that looks like an anemone
14. These surreal looking stairs that look like an optical illusion
15. The beautiful pattern the water creates when it’s coming out of the tap
16. This tree likes to snack on steel once in a while.
17. A black widow that can trap and eat snakes
18. The Gastropod, a snail that incorporates iron into its skeleton
19. A tree and its roots growing through the cracks of the pavement
20. A perfectly round-shaped cloud
21. A beautiful scaleless snake
22. The roots of plants that are learning to write
23. What penguin eggs look like after they’ve been boiled
24. Ants ate the insides of these lollipops and left the wrapping in perfect condition.