
24 Facts That Sound Fake But Are True

You may not want to believe all these seemingly unreal facts and truths, but that doesn't make them any less true. When people say the world is a wild and interesting place, they mean it, and we have the facts to prove it.

If you liked these, check out: WTF Facts To Clear The Cobwebs Of Your Mind.


masturbation in movies

An orgasm can stop hiccups


australian animals

The kangaroo is the only animal whose testicles are located above his penis.


skull on shelf

In order to get bones really white it’s best to leave them in bucket of hydrogen peroxide (ideally between 3-6%) for a minimum of 48hrs, or up to a week. It’s easy to buy online, but not so easy to buy in large quantities, as it can also be used to make bombs.



Julius Caesar’s soldiers used to sing a marching song about how much Caesar liked it up the ass


About 1 cup of ground apple seeds contains enough cyanide to kill a human. Smoothie anyone?


Bees can vibrate their bodies super fast which produces a lot heat. In order for a hive to defend themselves from intruders like wasps they will dog pile the wasp while vibrating and it will eventually cook the wasp alive


The last person who died building the Hoover Dam was the son of the first person who died building it


It takes roughly 400 people to forge a sword out of “the blood of your enemies”


Three barleycorns laid end to end is the basis for the inch



The Hawaiian state fish is called a “humuhumunukunukuapuaa”.


Rams are about the same size as football players.


All mammals over the weight of 3kg take approximately 21 seconds to pee, whether that be a housecat, a horse or an elephant.


Imagine this: You’re walking down the road, and you see a car crash. Someone gets out of a car, and you realize it’s someone you know, so you call their name. They turn, and crumple to the ground. What happened? They dislocated a bone in their neck, and when they turned their neck, they fully snapped it. There’s a bunch of stories of this happening to people, which is very scary.



You need approximately 23,6 kg of anthracite coal to burn an average human male (80kg) at cremation temperatures


Hentai frequently depicts monsters having sex with women because of Japanese pornography laws. Sex between a man and a woman is “porn” and considered indecent, but sex between a human and an alien/monster does not fit the definition, so it gets by.


Saddam Hussein wrote a romance novel



Snakes have two penises, echidnas have a four-headed one


The longest German word where every letter only is used once is ‘Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung’.


It would only take about a month and a half to collect enough shed skin cells to completely replace the flour in a traditional pound cake recipe, about 438g. We shed about 9 lbs of dead skin each year, and 438g is only .966 lbs, so at a rate of .75 lbs of skin per month you would only need a way to collect shed skin for a little over 5 weeks. Being high in protein, your skin flour should have a consistency close to a bean flour and can be used in a similar way to make a pound cake. It would take between five and six weeks to make a skin cake.



Horses can masturbate by hitting their 70cm long dong against their bellies


MLB umpires are required to wear black underwear in case their pants split during a game


Urine is historically one of the biggest exports that Newcastle UK ever had. It was used for a variety of purposes especially for making ammonia to make paint



Most dying people don’t just slow down breathing and stop silently like the movies. The agonal breathing they do the last few hours or minutes is often startlingly loud. But it makes their CO2 so high that they are unconscious and not suffering, it’s just hard on the hearer.


Not only is an elephant’s penis prehensile it’s strong enough to throw a grown man around.

Categories: Wow Facts

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