24 Amazing Facts About The Human Brain

You have over 100,000 miles of axons in your brain. That's enough to wrap around the world 4 times.

Ancient people thought the stomach and heart to be more important than the brain. Egyptians even pulled parts of the brain out through the nose before mummifying bodies
At any given time your brain can generate up to 25 watts of power. That's enough to power a lightbulb.
Wilder Penfield 1891-1976 created a drawing that became known as a homunculus, which shows what we would look like if our body parts were as big as the brain space they take up.
Brain surgery is not something new. In the past some cultures practiced trepanation, or the act of drilling holes in the brain to alleviate pain and cure sickness
Contrary to popular belief you don't only use 10 of your brain. Most of your brain is active all the time, even when you sleep.
Despite the common myth that large brains equal more smarts, people like Einstein actually had a smaller brain
Experts estimate that over the course of a lifetime human brains of the 21st century will retain up to 1 quadrillion pieces of information
This is why doctors are able to perform open brain surgery on patients that are still awake.
Wilder Penfield 1891-1976 created a drawing that became known as a homunculus, which shows what we would look like if our body parts were as big as the brain space they take up.
Your brain was just about as big as it is now when you were born. That's one reason that babies have disproportionately large heads.
Your brain accounts for about 2 of your mass but uses up to a quarter of your oxygen and energy