23 Questions You Just Don't Ask Another Person
Why can't you be like "insert person's name?" Well... Because I am not "that person's name." -u/f_rice
When in a relationship: "Do you think [friend] is prettier than me?" Or any related question of which you actually don't want to hear the answer to. -u/leonmarino
The same question over again, and really pressing the matter until the person gives you the answer that shocks ya. -u/djdjsksldbahehe
“What’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen?” to any EMT/Paramedic/Firefighter….etc. I promise you it’s horrible and not something you’d want to think about. We don’t want to relive those memories, especially so unexpectedly. Ask about something funny instead. You’ll get a better answer. -u/shitscrubber
"Are you going to try again?" Asked after my miscarriage. But at least people stopped asking, "When are you two going to have a baby?" after I miscarried. -u/LadyJedi1286
Don’t ask a veteran if they killed someone during their time in service. Surprisingly it’s common, please don’t. It’s really insensitive. -u/dover_boi
When are you (insert societal “milestone” here)? Either when the time’s right or never. Society created that milestone, it’s not something that actually needs to be done so shut the hell up. -u/SimShade
Apparently, a lot of asexuals get asked if they were molested as kids and I don't know on what planet is it okay to ask anyone that. -u/puella_
“How did he/she die?”particularly if the death was recent. The answer could be something that the family doesn’t want to share…drugs, suicide, etc. If they haven’t brought it up, you shouldn’t, either. -u/sarcastinymph
When are you two having kids? My wife can't have a baby, it's honestly like having someone rip my heart out of my chest whenever we're asked. -u/MFLevel