23 Myths and Urban Legends that Need to Go Away Already
Even before the invention and widespread use of the internet, rumors, myths, and urban legends had a way of circulating around the world.
Recently, an AskReddit thread posed the question "what are some urban legends that need to die already" and people chimed in with their best answers.
You will probably recognize some of the things and may have even believed them at one point. How many of the things on this list have you fallen for?
Bigfoot. It's 2023, if you can't get at least, a 720p video of him, Then give it up! -pasenast
No, that teacher from your middle or high-school was not in Playboy in the 1980s... It does not matter that your brother's cousin's neighbor has the actual issue and they are going to bring it in to school someday. -Loud_Butterscotch110
"You can't get STDs from oral sex"
One of the clinics I work at is a free sexual health clinic. Too many women are in there for mouth/throat/other digestive problems stemming from unprotected oral sex and various STDs. -chewedgummiebears
That you can target fat on a particular place on your body, like tummy fat. Fat doesn't know where it lives. -catsdelicacy
That you need to wait 24 hours to report someone as missing.
You can, and SHOULD, report someone as missing as soon as they go missing. It could be the difference between finding someone who had a bad fall at home or getting lost in the forest, and finding their body. -OaklandLandlord
That vaginas get “loose” from having sex. There’s really Men out here that believe this. -Nervous-Translator76
That touching baby birds or rabbits will cause their mothers to reject them because they smell like human. They absolutely will not. Don't go messing with babies for kicks, but if you can put a baby (that you are 100% sure belongs there) back in it's nest, do so. If you aren't sure, call a wildlife rehabilitator so you're not putting fledgelings where they don't belong. -Competitive-Ad-9662
The Bermuda Triangle. I live in Bermuda. The triangle is smack dab in the middle of hurricane territory so ships and planes back in the day (that didn’t have weather mapping) would get spanked by them frequently. It’s so irritating when you’re trying to introduce yourself, saying “I’m from Bermuda” and the response is “LiKe ThE tRiAnGle oMg hOw diD YoU sUraViVe”. -WinnerInfamous
The idea that there are people in your neighborhood just waiting for the chance to poison your kids by giving them unwrapped Halloween candy. -gcm6664
That daddy long legs are the most venomous spiders in the world, but their fangs just aren’t big enough to spread enough venom. Edit: I’m referring to cellar spiders. Daddy long legs is vague term that describes several types of arachnids, none of them are venomous though. -BlackConverse020
When driving at night and an oncoming car flashes their lights at you don't drive to your house, they are going to follow you and murder you / it's a gang initiation. -tkrego
That doctors will let you die if you are an organ donor to steal your organs. -Clarence_Bow
Detoxing treatments...... NO Sharon, "harmful chemicals" are not just going to ooze out of your face and feet if you use that mask... That's not how the human body works at all damn! -DoubleFishes
That it's super illegal to turn on your cars inside dome light while driving at night. -Both-Invite-8857
Ostriches. Do not bury. Their heads. In the sand. If they’re afraid of something, they will run, kick, or bite aggressively. One of my biggest animal myth pet peeves. To make sure that the eggs are evenly heated, they occasionally stick their heads into the nest to rotate the eggs, which makes it look like they’re trying to hide. -otusasio451
That it's a felony offense to rip the tag off of your Mattress.
There was a major scandal in the past, where a couple mattress manufacturers were recycling used mattresses, re-stuffing them, and subsequently reselling them.
It is ONLY illegal for stores and manufacturers to rip the tags off of new mattresses for sale. However, once you buy it, and your mattress warranty expires (usually after 1 year or less), feel free to rip that annoying tag off. -Extreme_Today_984
That there’s litter boxes in high school classrooms for people who are "furries". I’ve heard this about 3-4 different schools in my area. -blimpcitybbq