23 Fascinating Photos of Our Fascinating World

Shrek the sheep ran away and hid in a cave in New Zealand for 6 years. When Shrek was finally found in 2004, the sheep had gone unsheared for so long that it had accumulated 60 pounds of wool on its body, enough to make 20 suits! The sheep became famous and even got to meet the Prime Minister. Shrek finally passed away last month at the age of 16.

After continually disrupting court proceedings, Christopher Charles Lightsey was gagged in court, Aug. 15, 1995, during the sentencing phase of his murder trial for the killing of William Compton a 76-year-old cancer patient. He was sentenced to death.
Bodies exhumed from their graves and left propped up in Guatemala after relatives failed to pay the cemetery fees
Jennifer Lawrence looks exactly like Zebeida Tharwat, a well known Egyptian actress back in the day.
Temps are supposed to drop tonight so someone in Ottawa, Ontario is placing these around the city