23 Disturbing Facts You're Better Off Not Knowing
In this case, ignorance truly is bliss.
We know you have a taste for disbursing facts, we get it, learning about strange bodily functions or historical events isn't just entertaining, it's fun to freak people out with them.
But be warned, if you're going at this list hoping to pump up your weird fact bank, you might be a little disbursed yourself when it's all said and done.
If you're still reading, don't say we didn't warn you, as what you are about to read cannot be unlearned.

If you were to drown in saltwater, there's a good chance that you would drown in your own blood, because the saltwater would enter your lungs and the salt would cut the interior of your lungs.

Now, sloths hang from trees. And when they die, they don't let go of the tree. So if you're ever in the rainforest, and you happen to see a sloth hanging from a tree, poke it with a long stick to see if it's still alive. But remember, they have a really slow reaction time. So if nothing happens after an hour, it's probably dead.

If you were to die in the woods, then it's very likely that a deer would eat your body. And if they find a nest of like baby birds, they'll just eat the baby birds, even though they can't really eat meat properly. They just do it 'cause they're stupid.
Certain species of spider, like the brown recluse, the way their venom works is that it makes your blood cells explode.
Another thing about corpses. If you put them in a coffin that's sealed tightly enough, there's a very good chance it will explode.
If you were to shine a UV light on a platypus, it would glow, not because it's covered in semen, but because it has a biofluorescent property, like a lot of Australia's species. And just like Perry the Platypus from 'Phineas and Ferb,' they actually glow green. That's not why he's green. That's just a coincidence.
Koalas actually have fingerprints and they're very similar to humans'. They also have chlamydia.
If you have any pets, like a cat, a hamster, a dog or a raccoon, if you die and no one finds your body, they're most likely going to eat your corpse.
In 1933, this Japanese woman on the island of Oshima threw herself into a volcanic crater. And after that happened and it hit the news, within the same year, 1,000 more people threw themselves into the crater. I didn't find out if it was active or not, but if it was, that would be the dumbest and most semi-slow, painful way to die, because it's like mixing suffocation with burning to death.
There are thousands of deaths that occur each year as a result of a doctor's [bad] handwriting.
Female penguins. If their baby dies, they'll probably go up to another female and just steal its baby and be like, "This is my child now."
It's estimated that around this area of Mount Everest, there's about 150 to 200 dead bodies just scattered about.
If you ever work in a morgue, it's very likely that it will seem haunted. 'Cause from time to time, gas will release from a corpse which will sound like either whispers, someone talking to you, or if it's released in the right way, sound like distant screaming.
Sand tiger sharks are usually pregnant with about 100 babies, and in the womb, before the babies are born, they kill and eat each other until there's only like a couple left.
Hippos are responsible for about 500 human deaths a year. They are way more likely to kill you than a crocodile. And they like to fling their [poop] at each other because they think it's funny.
When you die, your eyeballs will deflate and just become floppy little sacks that sit in your skull.
In places like Brazil, Australia and Texas, it is possible for millions of spiders to rain from the sky.