23 Cringe Pics and Full-on Facepalms for Your Viewing Pleasure
Whether it's a United States representative caught vaping and groping in a Denver theater, or a PETA activist completely overdoing her anti-shearing protest, there have been plenty of facepalmable moments from this weekend's news.
Therefore, we thought it apt to bring you 23 crazy cringe photos to help stay up with the emotional truth of the times.
Whether it's a United States representative caught vaping and groping in a Denver theater, or a PETA activist completely overdoing her anti-shearing protest, there have been plenty of facepalmable moments from this weekend's news.
Therefore, we thought it apt to bring you 23 crazy cringe photos to help stay up with the emotional truth of the times.
Whether it's a United States representative caught vaping and groping in a Denver theater, or a PETA activist completely overdoing her anti-shearing protest, there have been plenty of facepalmable moments from this weekend's news.
Therefore, we thought it apt to bring you 23 crazy cringe photos to help stay up with the emotional truth of the times.