22 Basic Facts a Scary Amount of People Don't Know
These basic facts are bits of info everyone should know. Still, people are stupid, and from general health and safety tips, to plain bits of common sense, a scary amount of people still don't know these things.

Drowning doesn't usually look like drowning on TV. 9/10, it's just silent. The person goes under and doesn't come back up.

Mixing bleach and pine sol creates toxic fumes that can actually kill you if they build up too much in a room.
Just because it's natural doesn't mean it is automatically healthy. Just because it is artificial or synthetic doesn't mean it is automatically bad for you.
Cops can lie to you, and are not obligated to read you your Miranda rights upon arrest unless they're going to interview you.
That you should wait for people to get off the elevator when it arrives at your floor, instead of cramming yourself in when the doors open, blocking their departure.
Choking is usually silent. If there's any hacking / coughing... they aren't choking and don't need a Heimlich maneuver. You only use the Heimlich if there's no sound coming out of their mouth.
Don’t dive in the water to save a drowning person. They WILL kill you.Throw them a flotation device. Hand them a broomstick and pull them to safety. Do NOT get in the water with a panicking person. Wait until they are unconscious and then dive in to retrieve them.