22 Times a Day Went From Bad to Worse
Schadenfreude -- it's a funny thing. The pleasure one derives from the misfortune of others. On the one hand, its arguable that only a full-blown sociopath incapable of empathy would enjoy the bad luck of others; on the other hand, examples of people being shafted by the universe like those down below can be a pleasing reminder that we are well and it could always be worse.
So, on that note, go ahead and remorselessly enjoy the worst days of other human beings while you try to forget about whatever deadline's quickly approaching.

“The ceiling in my in-laws stairwell, and yes, I have ran into it face first on multiple occasions.”
“I just finished drinking my cup of tea.. I’m never leaving my tea to drink later on ever again.”
“Moving across the country in a few weeks, invited my friends to a farewell bbq. All canceled or just didn’t show.”
“My terminal Grandfather just got moved to a senior living facility with a copay of $140/day. This is his TV.”
“After a grueling day at work without food where I had to wait 4 hours for a sample to arrive which got canceled, I come home at 7pm to find all my stuff in garbage bags cause the cleaners my landlord sent cleared the wrong apartment.”
“Just baked this cake and ate one piece, came back and the dog licked the icing off as far as she could reach.”
“I’ve been sitting down on this chair at my grandparents house for 10 years, and it finally gave up on me.”