22 Things That Were Forever Ruined by the Internet
The internet has changed our lives in many ways, for better and for worse. Here are 23 things from AskReddit that the internet has unfortunately ruined for ever.

Secret menu things.Before the internet, you had to really find out about certain things in the world. A beautiful campsite where only a few people know about it, some hidden rules in Disneyland, etc. When people post about it, things change and nothing is special anymore. -u/Ivey_Mom

Listening Parties I was a teen in the late seventies. My buds and I would get together on Sunday afternoons, smoke a little bud, and each bring three albums. We would then listen to music until dark and hear things that weren't in our collections. During these listening parties, I first heard a lot of stuff people call classics today. I was a big fan of Yes and ELP. David was into Rush, Pink Floyd, and Jethro Tull. Joey was into Black Sabbath, Van Halen, and the Doors. Joey's older brother had Camal, Can, and some stuff I don't remember other than it was cool. I don't think we ever had a name for this. We all got to hear each other's favorite music and hang out. It was a lot of fun, and I miss it. I can't imagine such a thing surviving the internet age, but something cool has been lost. -u/jamessavik

The feeling of exploration and discovery in video games. From trading secrets on the playground in Mario Bros. to exploring and mapping out a dungeon in EverQuest. Sure the internet existed then, but it eventually became so much more ubiquitous and games are now completely known sometimes before they even release. -u/Elrim208
I think the internet just amplified everything humans do, both good and bad.Like music? Here's a few million aspiring artists, some of which have a few dozen followers at most, have fun! Like art? Here's thousands of drawing every day. Like murdering people and lighting buildings on fire? Here's hundreds of tips on how to do it!
Romantic relationships. People on social media spread oodles of toxicity and make you overthink every little thing, it’s insane.
Pranks, pranks before were just jokes that we could play off, but now we got some random stuff all over the internet like "I PrAnKED mY BroTHer bY TakINg HiS AstHmA PiLLs | hE diEd! | CrazY PranK episOde #69420."
Conspiracy theories. Used to be something interesting to hear or wonder about. You would randomly or rarely meet an actual conspiracy theorist or see one in a movie. Now everyone has an aunt or uncle or friend who has just gone off the deep end and it’s just sad.
Magazines. I loved getting magazines in the mail. Couldn’t wait for Monday when time and Newsweek came.
Almost everything honestly. Information is so easy to access now but also it’s just as easy to pump fake and incorrect information out just for likes/views.
Encyclopedias. I would actually love some Encyclopedias from the 1800s and those gold-edged Encyclopedia Britannicas from the TV ads in the 1990s .