22 Psychological Hacks That Will Take Your Far In Life
Also check out these 6 brainwashing techniques you can try today.

If you need assistance from someone tell them you need their help, instead of just telling them to do it.

If you need someone to admit something use incorrect information about the facts, they will usually correct it incriminating themselves.
If you feel anxious or depressed interrupt the thought by internally yelling at it to make it go away.
Tell people "thank you for being patient with me" when you make a mistake. This will make them focus less on what you did wrong.
If you're trying to win a game of rock, paper, scissors, when you shake your hand up and down hold it in the shape you want them to think you're going to use. It usually works.
Tell someone "I understand why you're upset" when trying to calm them down instead of telling them to calm down.
If you don't like a response you were given remain silent creating a long pause. This will make the other person uncomfortable and more likely to change their answer.
If a child is having a meltdown you can catch them off guard by throwing in random questions. Their brains will have to shift gears and make them more rational.
If you want to figure out group dynamics start telling some off color jokes. You can tell by how they react just who you're dealing with.
If someone tells you something you already know say "you're right" instead of "I know." You will sound less condescending.