
Girl On Her 21st Birthday Receives One Last Card From Deceased Father

Bailey Sellers' dad passed away when she was 16, however he still sent her his love on her 21st birthday.


Bailey Sellers lost her father, Michael, to cancer when she was just 16 years old


In a touching gesture, Michael had organised for his daughter to receive flowers and a card on her birthday each year up until she was 21. To mark the special occasion, Ms Bailey wrote an emotional post on Twitter. "My dad passed away when I was 16 from cancer, and before he died he pre-paid flowers so I could receive them every year on my birthday," she wrote. "Well these are my 21st birthday flowers and the last. Miss you so much daddy."


Ms Bailey received a heartfelt card with the flowers. “This is my last love letter to you until we meet again," the card reads in part : “I do not want you to shed another tear for me my baby girl for I am in a better place. “Be happy and live life to the fullest. I will still be with you through every milestone, just look around and there I will be."

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