
21-Year-Old Teacher Fired After Student's Parents Find Her Lingerie Modeling Photos

She has nothing to be ashamed of!


This young teaching assistant was doing a great job with her kids, and everything seemed fine until one week into the job she was suddenly fired. Gemma wondered why she was fired...


One day, a student's parents decided they would do a little background check on the teacher that was responsible for their kid's education. They googled her name, and what they found stunned them.


According to Gemma, the school was completely aware of her modelling career and hired her anyway. So why did they fire her?



Apparently, the head teacher told her that she would risk "damaging their reputation" if she stayed with them.


Now, a controversy has arisen, and people are asking whether or not it's fair to fire Gemma just because of what she does outside of school.


Gemma didn't go lightly. She is angry and offended by what happened, and according to her, "She said she doesn’t want her year six pupils thinking it is acceptable to be a model. She made me feel dirty and like I was a prostitute. It’s ridiculous."


The school is sticking by its decision however, and they are not budging an inch. As part of an official statement released by the school, "‘Members of staff and those on apprenticeship placement in school are expected to adhere to certain standards of behavior, including in relation to their use of social media, and to set a good example to pupils."

Categories: Wow
Tags: hot pics model

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